Sunday, August 06, 2006

They call it camping.......

Our friends have a really new, well kept stationary trailer style home with a sunroom addition on it in New Hampshire at I think it is called Dan Lake. A beauitful lake it is. I may not like the beach but I do enjoy Lake Sebago in Maine as well as this one. We were offered to use it this week Monday -Wednesday because they will not be there. We were thrilled that they offered because Michael is on his two week summer vacation. We did not plan on staying over night to save on the cost of hotels. My father in law always offers his family rate at the Days Inn chain of hotels. We get great deals at $129.00 a night hotels for a mear $29.00, now thats a savings! We were also used to getting the Hilton Hotels discount because for 4 years Michael was an auditor for a Homeward Suites Hotels as a second job. So at this point it kills me to pay full price at hotels. We did not want to over use his fathers famliy pass because so many people use the pass over and over and over again. So we are off "camping" tom. morn.. It is funny because with all the comforts of home they still call it "camping". That is fine by me because if I had to REALLY camp I just would have to stay home. The funny thing about these friends, they are a couple without children and are as anal as we are when it comes to keeping order. When we went 2 summers ago with them there they were very pleased that our boys were quote un quote not animals lol.......They were also greatful that we were "the neatest guests they ever had". The wife told me that her husband NEVER lets anyone stay over without them there so I am very honored that we were offered to use the place in their absence. I like the clubhouse that has activites for adults and children and some free nights such as make your own sundays and hot dog night..............I do not however like that the place has not a single paved is all dirt that gets dusty and lifted up when you walk or drive on it. I guess that is where the "camp" thing comes in . I will suck it up and have a wonderful time and go there with the best attitude ever. Hey whats a little dust........ahhhhhhh DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dirty dust.......UGH.....there will be lots of foot baths the next three days.......Have a great sunny and happy day. We'll be back in a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY CAMPING!


Karen said...

That sounds really fun.. Have a great time! I don't know why I would like to go camping..but I would. My hubby's idea of roughing it is no cable in hotel! Maybe someday I'll be in a cabin in the woods..who knows! Use plenty of bugspray and have a s'mores for me!!!

Drew said...

Stephie, we've gone to Sebago lake a million times. It is so clean and beautiful. We loved it there!!!

Have fun.

Stephie Says..... said...

Karen.....I am with Bill on this one.........I did however have lots of non rough it type things in this "camping" type house.
Drew....I still say Sebago is the BEST LAKE ever.........I can see why you loved it there.....When we were packing up Ryan said "dad next week are we going to Sebago?" I just laughed.....MORE SAND.....No no more summer trips for us except day trips.....