Saturday, February 25, 2012

♪♪Boston You're My Home!♪♪

thanks Ry!

The handy dandy Ry Ry installed the new detectors...thanks to Andrew the knowledgeable britha from anotha motha who helped with picking the correct ones and making sure we are up to code! Also Ryan has been busting he hump painting the place during his vacation. He is OCD perfectionist (where does he get that from?? HUM!) and he is mighty handy I tell ya! Hardworking Ry! THANKS BUDDY a steak is in your future lol lol

he shoottttsss heeee scoooreeessss

Off to "Boston you're my home" to see the first born shooot and score! then gots the son and 2 friends coming here to eat and be merry...and sleep over b/c they gots more hockey up north tonight! feed em food fest and just cleaned the bathroom so they can shower and get smelling good while they eat! :D lookin forward to the fun! : )

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let the day begin!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Monday, some may have off in observance of Presidents Day...not there...first to meet my exercise buddy and then to build bears, then off to price out a house to and running...the more ya move the more ya burn...Get that burn on babes! Also was reading in Fitness Magazine that sitting is like the new lie the article said if ya have a desk job and got to chat for a while on the phone...just stand up and talk on it. Do calf raises or squat for 30-60 seconds..I did not need that article to tell me that one been doin that for a while now...Sit still? ME?! YA OK! lol So I wish you all a great day off if you indeed have it off, also wish you a great day at work if you are working..Enjoy every moment you have here because some where out there is a person who may have one last minute here...Be thankful and grateful for those moments...I KNOW I AM! :D xo

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Beauty!

I am over the top over joyed that these past days have been a treat. I can say if ALL the days in winter were like the past few days I would love it in Massachusetts!



Saturday, February 18, 2012

walking with my bestest friend & sniffin pup

After having a nice lunch with the 3 males I love most me and my bestest went to walk our "baby" pup that is..... The Lake was beautiful until we got out of the car and the wind just hit ya like a brick. So we must of walked about 500 yards and said lets go to Breakheart! The Wakefield side b/c the HILLS ohhhh I love the hills...make you get a good burn on while being in such a nice wind free place. When we were heading in some nice family said it was about 7-10*'s warmer in there. They were correct. I so love that place it makes me feel so at peace and one with nature. Michael and I can talk and chat about anything or go a bit and just bask in the silence of the sun and nature. Bailey barks a lil when he sees a giant dog or two, never when it is a little no too easy for that lol A man said cute lil dog with a great big attitude LMAO! YUP that's our Bailey. I realized as we were walking that on Saturdays or Sundays we would make it an effort to head to the "Don" to see Nana T even if it were just a lil bit of time. I recall I would kind of sigh sometimes trying hard to scramble there but would leave knowing in my heart of hearts we got to spend time with her regardless if she knew it or not. I found that it was so more for us than her towards the end. Thinking of all the weekends that we can not see her since her passing it hits like a brick that even though trying to make the time I wish I had to rearrange or scramble to see her. It was a bitter sweet kind of epiphany of sorts when Michael said she is still with us in our hearts. I know that my love but still hurts like a knife knowing we can't just walk into the Don head to her room and know she is right there waiting for us. As we walked in the warm sunshine we saw one...yes in this huge place one bud of a yellow flower peppin up and it made me smile to think one lil flower is budding for all to see. Pup sniffs everything and he wanders into the brush off the path to have me go get him...and I see a shiny penny...Nana T always used to tell me look at the year when you find a penny and see if that year means something b/c it most likely was a penny sent to you from Heaven! I ALWAYS look at stores, in parking lots most recent year was 1972...and I really couldn't find significance to that being maybe 1 years old...but today that penny was 1992! I knew then and there Nana T was with us on our Saturday....She in my heart is making sure I know that she is remembering that year that since it is the year of our wedding...She would say to me the morning of my wedding after I had an argument with her about my timing of leaving the house that you marry your best friend...thanks Nana T! I so did indeed do just that...infact my BESTEST! xoxo xoxo xoxo

Friday, February 17, 2012


Thanks to the SUNSHINE STEPHIE DANCE maybe just maybe it will stay away!

Support and action to FIND A CURE

Thanks to many who came to support!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Having trouble with new background UGH!


So many fun guests to build furry friends with

Today this Papa and his 3 year old granddaughter came in to the bear barn and it was her first time ever to build a furry friend. Se got a bear for her 2nd b-day but he found it time for her to make one of her very own. He was a doll to her and I got a tear in my eye to see the love and pride he had just being able to be her papa! We had a great visit and he said I made it the best time he has ever had there. That makes me smile huge! like this sayin... “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle I know I go to work and am present .....I am not just there I AM THERE! lol I try to be BEARIFIC in every way to make sure there are smiles on many faces! :D not only do I try to make their day, they make mine when they go out with a pawsome experience. Long live the bear barn....we are 100,000,000 friends made in 15 pawsome years...yup BABW has made over 100Mil furry friends and we are fifteen years BOLD!

why so negative?

I was chattin with a friend this morn about negative people we know. It makes me shake my head that in life YOU can choose your reaction to many problems or situations so WHY???? why do you have to be such a downer ALL THE TIME or like 90% of the time. I know that it can't always be sunshine and tulips BUT I forever say that you may not be able to choose the situation but you can choose your reaction to it. Make it better not worse. Its those who make snow mounds out of flurries,,,,or mountains out of mole hills! At least look at it with a little bit of positive then maybe just THEN it isn't really as bad as your negative self is making it out to be. I wonder is it attention that is being sought? Maybe? but I would rather have no attention than neg. attention. Oh well...hands in the air....All I know is that
this says it all as well as this ......

Chocolate ok Sooooo I love that it may help with math! LOL LOL that's a good one!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

tubby time

That jetted tub I told Michael not to put in has been put to good use. Thanks Michael for INSISTING on it~! love

you tons and ya it is a treat...thanks love


a "Holiday"G

I guess I now can relate how the Jewish feel on Christmas Day, This "HOLIDAY" is not one I really celebrate so off to Trader Joes...EMPTY! Clear as can be streets...I even think the Police are watching the game not the roads..I should of done donuts on 114~ lol see if they would blue light me in Michael's truck. At WOW there was one man and 4 other women working out and it was as quiet as can be. Burned over 900 calories in the stair climber. I bet some will consume double those calories while watching the game. Off to take a well deserved jetted bath and get that after you workout feeling clean. I know those of you who burn it and work it to the max know that awesome feeling after you been to the gym and then go get your clean feels satisfying!!!!!!!!! So I will leave you with....GO PATS...I will ask the men here what the score is and then keep to myself...It it were the Bruins playing I would be sure to watch but nahhhh to this because HOCKEY RULES~!
GO it for MHK

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

80 year anniversary God Bless this couple...I love how Wibur says It's give and take and compromise."...AND when you are married to your best friend then the days are great ones. I said that not Wilbur LOL...So nice to see these kinds of upbeat stories. "you're in love and that's all you think about" so cute Wilbur!

It's Wednesday

Weird I never liked saying the word...WEDNESDAY....I recall in grammah school(HEHEHHE) back in the St. Lazarus days they would emphasize WED NES DAY! Ya gotta remember the D...well either way it is a weird word to say, don't know just is. I'll see you Wednesday. Oh on Wednesday...I dunno call me crazy I would rather say Sunday. LOL oh I know why...THE SUN! he he I am on a roll this Wednesday :P


At last nights Wakefield stat up meeting I had the pleasure of seeing so many great people. To hear stories of how much impact SGK organization has had on the lives of so many makes me know I am apart of an awesome FAMILY, as we call it..OUR 3 DAY FAMILY! 1.9 BILLION dollars has been raised by Komen to fund drugs that prolong the lives of patients as well as reseachh for studies to find a cure and I love most that they help with expenses that occur like trips to treatment, mamos for uninsured women and men ect. I will never stop walking or giving something of myself till we find a cure, BECAUSE EVERYONE DESERVES A LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Patty Pie for treaking out and seeing just why my passion is so strong. It is so great to know you are now in THE FAMILY XOXO XOXOXOX 20+ years later and we still make eachother laugh luv ya Patty!