Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's that easy!

So that is the slogan that Staples tries to convey in the numerous commercials that are playing over and over. Along with the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year" they are hyping up how wonderful back to school is. Every August we get our letters from the schools stating what is needed for the upcoming year. We got lucky last year and Ryans school did not want any parents buying the stuff. PTO "gave" the supplies away. I guess they were very much in the positive when it came to money in the account. So this year we ventured to 3 different stores with two lists in hand. The Sunday fliers had lots of good bargans so we went to check things out.
I must say the last store Staples was the EASIEST! The most crowded too. It did indeed feel like Christmas shopping because everyone and their mothers (lol get it) were in the 3 "it's that easy" isles. We were glad to get some of the other sales items at Office Depot and Walmart because the sales were great, but it was a mess trying to "find" what you needed. As for Staples, Kudos to them for really steping up to the moto...b/c it was that easy......And to the little first grade boys mom that let her out of control son push the wagon into me and all the other mothers...Thanks lady.......It is called control your son...maybe he will get a really strict teacher this year and put him in his place!......So I hope you all have it that easy .....lol lol


Drew said...

"Back to school" adverts on TV make me queazy. :p

Karen said...

Very appropriate post since I just spent 59 bucks at Office Depot after walking in the door to Walmart, seeing the zoo, and walking straight out. It was really easy at Office Depot and NOBODY was there.. they guy at the front desk told me that they will match any walmart (or anywhere else) price. So 5 binders, 5 folders, 5 1 subject notebooks and numerous pens, pencils and gadgets later.. I am finally home and missing Big Brother.. it's being taped.. :) Where's the PTO at my school?

Stephie Says..... said...

I am sick over BB...I am angry and mad and ugh I want to scream! You will understand why when you watch...CG better WIN!

melissa said...

BTS shopping is making me ill-I just found out I spent $20 on the wrong colored shirt (w/ a logo,adding to said cost) for my son!!!!!!!
And we STILL need more supplies. Too bad staples is 30 min away
And if I went, I'd be sure to let my 4 yr old push the cart-hahahahahahhahahaha : 0 just kidding!

Drew said...

my link is broken..grrrrrr


I have to look into this :-(

Drew said...

Fixed the link!
But I had to rename it.
Old name:7Hobbits,
New name: Extra Innings

Same Blog, New name!

Stephie Says..... said...

yes now it is working fine.....two thumbs up Drew