Friday, August 04, 2006

I did think my % would be higher........

I took the on line blog test about being "obsesive" and a control freak////Well my 56% on both amazed me that it was so low. I really did think it would be closer to 80% or higher on the obsesive one. I will not be a control freak when it comes to people just stuff. In work I am known as the organizer/cleaner of the place. I make sure the entire place in in tip top condition and if I am away for more that two days when I go back it is atleast a 2 hour or so task to get things back to normal, at least my normal. My manager does love it because she is a far cry from being the organizer and I have no clue how she can work like that. Some may say life is too short to obsese with those things but my life runs so well with massive organization. I feel a clean house = a clean soul, on so many levels. So to all you neat freaks out there...I am so with you on this one..........Have a wonderful night full of organizing yourself and your lol It is great to be neat and obsesivly lol I know if you don't know me very well you would think I was over the top with this ...and yes I am and soooooo very proud to profess it to all..........I am A NEAT FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!


Drew said...

Stephie, your head would explode if you came to my house!!!

Stephie Says..... said...

lol lol lol Drew==================
I want to start my own buisness in organizing for
One Friday I took the day off to help a friend get ready for a party at her house...I spent 4 hours getting her kitchen in order,,UGH.....She ended up calling a resturant and having the party there b/c it was a loosing Thats how unorganized she was. By Saturday night it was almost back to a bomb hit it kind of look...I was so glad to organize the menu and party stuff for the resturant one....At least we knew the tables would be in order lol lol So I could plan parties and set up closets ect...I think I would be great at this.....I wish I had the start up $ lol /////I never judge I just like my stuff in order....people seem to think I can not go to their himes if it is a mess I will deal with it b/c it is not my mess........I will though help if help is needed b/c I can not sit for a min. lol lol except to blog hehehehhe

Stephie Says..... said...

The post its in the organizer on the desk have to line up with eachother and the slot they sit in.....Now that is over the top/////

Drew said...

Can you travel to Long Island? Just don't wear bare feet or you'll step on a piece of Lego and cuss like a sailor!

Stephie Says..... said...

I've only been to Lawng Island once for a wedding (near Debbie Gibsons house).....Ryan has a hugh Lego collection some from my husband and some from birthday gifts. We have three big units for Legos...Alll color cord. and theme baskets neat in a closet, yup it is tht bad......;P