Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thank goodness it is almost over.....February that is!

I may be born this month but I really don't like how it lingers and lingers. January is also a month that takes forever to go by. Once we get to March it also seems to stager. My most favorite of them all is April. The month of spring, tulips;also my favorite, and the month of our wedding. Fifteen years ago I could not wait for April to come and still today I look forward to that wonderful month. I think of light purple flowers and pretty white babysbreaths. I can smell the dewy grass and fresh tulips starting to bloom. The sites and sounds make my heart dance. Spring time and fresh warm brezzes of how I long for April........

Sunday, February 25, 2007

How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?

"You've Changed 28% in 10 Years"

"Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it.
While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends."

I agree with this but do not agree that I need to chage my circle of friends. I have wonderful friends. I am so fine with the friends I have so this is only 1% true. I am glad I have not changed much in ten years. At 26 I was who I am now in a mom/wife situation but just have gotton older with the kids. lol Maybe in 10 more years I will have a higher % b/c I can be a mom-in-law or grandmother at the young age of 46-50. Stephen and I will celebrate our milestone b-days in 4 years: 18 for him 40 for me.........Change is good? Nah I'll keep it just the same from here till 2030! The year before I turn 6-0 oh! My that seems like a long time from now!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Your own comfort zone....

Drew posted about his own comforts and the regular happenings that keep him stable. I think we all have some thing or another that we need to be "the same". I know someone who flies by the seat of her pants can go and not make a preplan or let loose without any notice. I however have to have all the planning ect done. I think besides the clean thing I have this need to be early for everything. I find comfort in not having to rush and get worked up b/c of running late. My on time is 15 mins early. On time to me is late. I do this every Saturday eve also. I insist we leave for church at 4:15 even though it starts at 5 and it is 4 mins away. First, I need to get the same seat every time. Second I like to park close to the front to get out fast: though the boys and M are always waiting for me b/c I chat with everyone after so that defetes the purpose. Lastly I would NEVER be the one who walks in as it is taking place. I would just turn red and melt if I did. A fellow parishnah always laughs when we talk about this b/c if her husband were not in the choir then she would be that person running in late. I have to be prepared and have the songs and readings ready, also it is a time to connect with my surroundings and get in a peacful mind frame. I am not the only one who takes the same place every week, it seems like most people do so if they are not late and put somewhere they can fit. We have a wonderful couple that sits behind us and we learnt that they live 3 houses down from us. It took 3 years to figure that out b/c we live far from them even though it is 3 doors down we are spaced out enough that you just don't see people often. I think she noticed us getting the mail and made the conncetion. I gotta run to "get our seats" and be on time. Have a great night, I hope you all do your regular Saturday night rutien......

Friday, February 23, 2007

Get me a tissue ...PLEASE!

Well not to be gross but the nose is a drippin and the eyes are a water'in. I feel fine but the nose won't stop runnin'. I have been ODin on zink, V-c and ecinasha,,,,you know what I mean....I guess that everyone out there has something and now I have it too. I really am not feeling it other than the annoying need to wipe the nose. I have the need to then wash the hands, dry, then rub some Purell. After that I spray the Lysol. Yup can you say jerm-a-phobe....Try not to catch anything...stay healthy!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

40 days and 40 nights.....Jesus fasted in the desert..

Today being Ash Wednesday it is the start of Lent as you may already know. The preperation of the death of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. More important not just the death but the rising of Him on Easter Sunday. I love Christmas but have always felt so much love and greatfullness for the sacrafice God made to send His son to die, rise and save us from our sins. I feel Easter is a very important time in the Christian faith if not the most important time that explains why we live to someday see the salvation and grace that awaits us in the end. I hope the blessings of God and the Lenten season to sacrafice are with you to truly feel the love that we have from our Father.

Not only to "give up" something for Lent but to GIVE more of ourselves during this time......

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feb. Vacation

I always tought it best to have a March break. Get rid of Feb and April and do a March and get out of school one week early in June. I must say in the cold I am glad to not have to get out early and drive to school or work so I maybe worng in the last sentence. I know Florida does this but also they get out in May and go back in August. So what do you all think. Can the winter/spring breaks and put one in the middle of the two? Enjoy you break if you have one...they fly by so enjoy what you can of it........

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

They ate the Cheese Nips.....

Am I over the top with being a nervous ninny? I made sure that when I went to the market I got lots of yogurt, pudding and applesauce. I knew if the boys had no school I still would have work. Stephen is a very mature 14 year old and so very resposible, the issue is not that I don't trust him:the issue is I don't want them to chock. We have just recently been letting them stay alone for an hour or so, a trip to the market or some erronds to run in town here. I told them the foods tha tthey can have while I was gone and cheese Nips was not one what I wanted them to have b/c they could chock on the sharp corners. Am I alone on this one? I know they have been eating for many years but you never know, I am a nervous ninny. I gave them the royal breakfast b/c they were home this morn figuring they would be tide over with the 3 snaks of yogurt, applesauce and pudding all very soft slide down without chewing items. The gals at work did think that was extream. One is a mom of a 3 year old and she can understand but also thinks they are older so it would not be a major issue. The coaches wife of Stephens hockey team has 3 boys and does the same thing. I was like wow me too I am so glad I am not alone on this. She is a very nervous ninny. Sometimes she gets so flustered when the boys take a hard check during the game. I flinch but she stands up and mumbles call 911 .......until they get up from the hit...
I was just a little put off that they did not head my cheese nip/cracker warning. They said they were fine so whats the big deal. UGH.........I would be worrying knowing they were eating something with hard edges. I will end this woth I know they have to grow up sometime, but not now later. Also might add I want them to be independent selfsufient boys so I will not do the drastic things some moms are know to do then have their boys turn into needy men....No there will be none of that.........Please don't eat anything except smooth, slide down your mouth stuff.......AGREE???!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It is like a storm is coming.....

Today I think most people were out taking care of buisness. The bear shop was a hoppin'. Many non-regulars in need of lots of help, that's why we are there. So many clueless men getting valentines for their sweethearts. Hey one guy got a bear for his new wife, her last name was Sweet and his is Heart...so she is going by Katie Sweet-Heart....LOL LOL We all had a good laugh on that one. This one guy who knew he was all that and a bag of chips had the notition that he was the only person on the planet that needed help. I was as patient as can be and at one point I so wanted to scream at him and I kept my cool. Even Jenni the Ast. Mgr. said "I don't know how you stayed nice to him" ....She would of exploded at that point. I was thinking of the show on MTV Boiling Point., you win $100.00 of you don't loose it. A hidden camara is there and they do something to you to make you mad and you have no clue you are being taped and they give a time limit, if you don;t swear walk away of blow up then you get the hundred dollars. I was like is there a cmara b/c this is so sureal. There was another bizzare, differnt case today: Are you ready for this....3 bears going into a coffin of an Asian man all three bears had 2 sounds each and represented his children. Yup the oldest daughter came in to make them, she had an I LOVE YOU in one hand of the furry friend and a record a voice in the other. The voice was what ever animal that the child was when they were born...IE the year of the pig/rooster ect......It is a Chinnese Tradition to be buried with things ,,,,she told me the whole story and paid over $300.00 on the things and they are being buried....Who is pressing the sounds in the cofin? I havn't a clue but hey the sound sales/% went way up.........Kudos to her need to put them in the cofin......I did give my condolences but she said they are not allowed to say sorry for a death in their culture, she understood and said I did not know better.........I guess that is the most over the top story so far from the workshop I can say to this date.....I stocked up on some estentials and may have to brave the storm tom. for work, we will see just how bad it is. The car and soon to be Michaels truck will be at the bottom of the hill to avoid any problems getting out. I just hate not having them in the garage. He agrees it is good to keep them at the bottom but feels the garage would keep them nice and clear of snow...Well when you live on a hill you can't have your cake and eat it too.....We will see just how accurate Pete B is on Chnl 7 News and hope it is all a played up thing and it blows out to sea.......We will just wait and see.........

It did not go out to sea....It hit here about 2:30pm in full force, the sleet was as hard as golf balls. That is why there was no school I am thinking. The morning was fine but they must of made a good decision b/c the ride home would of been a slow one. Two times trying to keep up with the drivway being clear and $13.00 worth of icemelt........AHHHH WINTER BE GONE!

A snowy Valentines Day....

I mean a snowy Valentines date.....lol
I think some resturants will suffer b/c of the snow that is coming. I bet we at the bear shop will too. If the crowds come out today in panic to get their gifts then maybe people won't scramble on the snowiest day so far to get that furry stuffed friend. I sure hope the crowds get to celebrate. We were never ones to hype it up. We feel everyday is Sweethearts Day in our house! I heard the supermarkets were like the day before Christmas with the crowds yesterday. I plan on getting a few things before we head home today just to stay stocked. I have to spend $ on icemelt and loath that very much. The kids are all takling how great this is going to be. I am sure there are alot of unused new sleds from Christmas that have been waiting to hit the hills. I will be back when it is all said and done to give my opinion on it. I am sure you all know what that will before hand so keep an eye out.......Have a great before the snow day and keep that white stuff from piling up..........

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mall Walkers ...A breed in of itself.....

I am sure you have all heard of "mall walkers". they wake up bright and early to walk the mall when it closed to not have to brave the elements. On a Thursday morn @ 5:30am is when I get to the mall parking lot. Not a soul in site and spaces upspaces to choose from, I love it! Once the sixthrity o r seven o'clock hour hits them BAM spaces are gone. All the ones up front because of the mall walkers. It is a site to watch. I have always loves to be a people watcher and I try to catch a glims every so often. You seem to see the same faces day after day. The funniest is this 40ish women who wears a tank and shorts no matter how cold it is and FLIES by about 5 times more than the ones who keep an even steady pace. She is about 6 feet tall and weighs maybe 80 lbs......maybe wet! Her limbs are so skinny that I think my thumb and pointer can fit around the tops of her arms. She once came in around Christmas time walking in cicles around the store over and over again. I asked if she needed help and she continues to walk fast and say she was getting ideas. I let her be b/c I was getting dizzy trying to keep up with her. Well then she did the same thing Friday but wanted me to explain the party policy to her, while racing around without slowing down/.......How not fun is that........I wanted to grab her and say STOP and listen for one minute. So she went on her way. This nice older man who takes care of his grandaughter also has his shorts on no matter what the weather and he brings a trike w/ a pole and takes her around many times. I see him there as early as 700am and still see him in the mall at noon. He shoul djust take residents in there and call it home. Funny how I never go to the mall except to work. I dislike mall shopping, always have. I like shopping centers and outdoor lots that take you to stores outside. I know sometimes malls seem conviennt but I don;t like 'em. Thank goodnes some people do like itb/c that gives me someting to d oat work all week,,,,,,lol.....
SO if your ever in the mood to Mall walk COME ON BY AND SAY HELLO I'm the one at the bear store.............They all know me...the one who smiles big and says goodmoring b/c I too am a morning person but I a, not at the mall to walk I am there to work.......LOL LOL LOL

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The weirdest dreams.....

How many of you seem to have really weird and bizzare dreams? I know I do and it seems like more often than not. You know the dreams you wake and it is fuzzy. Or the ones that are so vivid you are like did that really happen? Last night I had a fuzzy one but all day little by little the dream has been coming back to me. I can not go into the long bizzare dream but as it replays it come out and I am like...WEIRDO! lol I love to have the type of dream that a loved one comes to you who has not been around for a while and their voice and face are so vivid. I have those dreams not as often but when I do of my Papa Steve I wake up and wish the dream would never end. He is Nana T's husband that passed away in 1981 from a long arguous battle with lung/brain cancer. I was 10 at the time and in 3rd grade. I recently saw at BABW and old friend of the family and she brough back so many emotions and good times from my childhood. She is and always has been the type that is very in tune with the spirit world. Some of you know my view on the subject and I am not all "into" that so much as to spirits per say amoung us. I have a belief that they are watching down on us and hopefuly give a helping hand when needed. She feels and always felt for many years that my Papa Steven, being so young at his passing and not ready to leave is around me more that I think. SO as that conversation took place the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention. Weird feeling. SO I leave you with this.....I am on the fence but more over to the Christain side of it not so the spirit lingering side...what is your opinion on the subject in general not so as to Papa Steve but in general???Just another one to get feed back...I loved all the stories from the last post Blizzard of '78..Keep em' coming.....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bitter Cold.....

So the cold saga continues.......Yesterday the boy I take to school comes out of his house with just a sweatshirt on......Hello Jordan ya think that is a little to light for this weather. I told him a coat would be a better choice and he said he really hates coats. OK I really hate them to but when it is -4 windchill I think a coat is NEEDED. His mother is not there to see him off, hence why I take him to school. I am sure she must lay one out before he goes to school but wearing it is another story. I hope to see a jacket today,,,,,,I hpe to see some relief from this bitter cold too...Stay Warm and keep thinking 3 mnths till April........3 long months.........

Monday, February 05, 2007

1978......29 years ago....

It was all those years ago I am almost sure on a Friday afternoon when the blizzard of '78 hit! It hit big.......I recall most how high the snow was to a just turned 7 year old. My party for that Sunday was called off due to 3 FEET of snow with 5 - 7 foot snow drifts.......do you recall the billzard of '78? Any good stories.....Was New England the only ones hit that bad or was it up and down this coast? Let me know in the comments any good stories or facts........Looking forward to reading......

Bitter Cold.......

It is so cold. The wind chill is over the top. I am freeeezzzzing......I want the summer to come...........or even late spring/////As long as the snow stays away. Lets do the sun dance.....

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Yes ...they keep coming and coming...the first and second month AND the third month in our familes have so many birthdays......Sunday we will behaving family over here for Stephens, my father -in laws, and ME! Yes today I turn the big 3-6! Thats right folks 36 years ago Stephie made her big debute.........I a mnot much for being the center of attention so it is just another day. This morning the boys saw me cleaning the bathrooms and said why are you doing that? Well it has to be done. So they said not on your b-day, no cleaning. OK >>>>>so do I veg out and be the biggest couch potato ever for today? I do know I am not cooking b/c we are going to Not Your Average Joes for my free b-day meal. The one gift I got this morn that I did not ask for or need at all is white stuff. The kind that glistens and makes mucky slushy mess when shovled or plowed. Yeah Happy Birthday Stephie who is not too fond of the snow. Born in a snow storm that must be where my disliking comes from ....lol

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Feed those in need.....

Ryans school had a great service project for an under privledged community, they were to bake loaves of bread to donate to the soup kitchen. It was a fun time in the kitchen with your child and a great thing to donate the item. Not only was it nice to do but King Arthur Flour Company donated all of the ingredients. How nice was that. Every child came home with 4 lbs of flour; wheat and white, a pack of yeast, directions, handy keep fresh bags to put the bread in, and a scraper. The boy I drive to school was not "doing" it so I took his stuff and made doubles. It came out so good. It had a semi-sweet taste and was great with warm honey. I am sure all the familes that got the loaves were pleased. We were allowed to make a half size for our own famlies to sample. I think it was a great idea to do..........