Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's STICKHA time again!

So it is the last day of the month and my inspection stickha expired. I will not go till September 1st b/c now next year I can get one year and one month longa (so Bawston). Last year it was up in July and I waited till August, so see year after year I will go one more month than the last. I am not one to "play" with the system, but I did figure this one to be a win situation on my end. Please tell me people don't go many months with an expired stickha????( I know it is STICKER! but when you grow up here it is a cah with a know what I mean Pam and Dana). So I was told by my MIL you can not do that. Well I have been doing this for atleast 4 years when I figured out that if I wait till the 1st day of the next month of experation I will get that months # and have an additional 30 or so days from the previous year. Like I am "screwing" TAXACHUSETTS in any way? Massachusetts has more things for us to pay for, this is one more way to get $29.00 every year from us. ( See Normie I now know how to spell MASSACHUSETTS lol) So with hope on my way bright and early Friday morn to the inspection station, I hope not to encountha a trooppha....yah! those Mass. state troopphas!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's that easy!

So that is the slogan that Staples tries to convey in the numerous commercials that are playing over and over. Along with the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year" they are hyping up how wonderful back to school is. Every August we get our letters from the schools stating what is needed for the upcoming year. We got lucky last year and Ryans school did not want any parents buying the stuff. PTO "gave" the supplies away. I guess they were very much in the positive when it came to money in the account. So this year we ventured to 3 different stores with two lists in hand. The Sunday fliers had lots of good bargans so we went to check things out.
I must say the last store Staples was the EASIEST! The most crowded too. It did indeed feel like Christmas shopping because everyone and their mothers (lol get it) were in the 3 "it's that easy" isles. We were glad to get some of the other sales items at Office Depot and Walmart because the sales were great, but it was a mess trying to "find" what you needed. As for Staples, Kudos to them for really steping up to the moto...b/c it was that easy......And to the little first grade boys mom that let her out of control son push the wagon into me and all the other mothers...Thanks lady.......It is called control your son...maybe he will get a really strict teacher this year and put him in his place!......So I hope you all have it that easy lol

Monday, August 28, 2006

TAG>>>You're it!

TAG...... I am it now....Normie taged me........

1) The one household chore I don't mind doing is....None of them lol B/C I love to clean..freaky huh?.2.) The last person to make a surprise visit to my home...My friends Ex-Husband to return a clean dish of something I cooked for him back in April.3.) I cannot comprehend...the money people waste on needless items.4.) At this moment I wish...that the war would end and we could be at peace in the world and not have to worry about terrorist. ever again!5.) The last serious discussion I had was....about Stephen taking E-Rays for his braces.6.) The thing that made me laugh the hardest today was...While watching my neice Selena (2) she kept saying "I love aunties truck" the entire time we were driving in it. "we go bumpy bumpy"///The funny thing is Uncle tries over and over to correct her that it is "Uncles" truck/and maybe tied for 1st is when we were at the bank, (where Michael works) Ryan said "is there a helapad on the roof to remove the big bags of money?" We broke out in laughter and said that is what the Brink trucks are
So if you get tagged.....make sure to answer all the questions..........

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I guess to all the golfers out there a "hole in one" is the ultimate thing to do in the game of golf! Well at Stephens last clinic today he was on the 3 hole loop.....(a practice area of three hole all par 3 each hole.....) His first hole was a HOLE IN ONE!......"SO kido what do you win????" "Well mom, I get to put my name on the "board" for my age group"...."WOW! no free 3 hole loop pass, no free bucket of balls for the driving range???" No none of that, but he got to put HIS name on the 13 year old board.......Guess how many names were up there???come on GUESS!!! on the 13 year old board....NONE....well now there is RAF///// His uncle who is a lesson instructor at the place is so proud to see that name on the board...My FIL, who was of course there as he is all Saturday mornings with his 4 grandsons was one proud papa today.....You have to know my BIL's and FIL they are the ultimate GOLF family......These Raf boys have had custome made clubs since they were old enough to walk.....Owen my 2 year old nephew drives a mean straight ball....really u gotta see the kid......AS for the eldest Raf grandson to get a hole in one before age 18...(none of the other Raf boys ever got one...not even Uncle Tony the ex golf ) He has made Raf history......I am sure Mil and Fil are bragging to all their Sat. Night dinner friends at the Golf Club as I type...So thanks papa Rob for all the clubs, shoes, gloves,bucket of balls and lessons b/c without your generous donation to the "golf" Ry and S would not be this good today....Love you Papa.....Glad he made you proud....

Friday, August 25, 2006

Golf ends and Hockey begins.....

Saturday is the last golf clinic for the boys. I have liked our Saturday morning out early in the summer air, to go bright and early and start the day with some fresh air. After tom. there will be no more early golf outings but very,VERY early hockey practices. They say ice hockey is not for everyone. The 430 am car rides to a cold rink 1 hour away is not some peoples idea of fun. I must say though that the day does not fly by when started at 400am. That is the plus about getting out of bed before the birds. The funny thing is when we get home around 930am the boys are asking for Yes lunch.....I respond to LUNCH! IT IS 930am......but if you look at it 5 hours after you wake up is almost lunch time........SO I start cooking dinner at 100pm on a Saturday b/c it is like having lots of time on my hands. I look forward to preparing my many meals on one day freezing them and pulling it out to cook for a night that is crazy and to busy to cook. It beats take out b/c it is less expensive and better than fast food junk. I have done this only two times this summer b/c it is better to do it in the fall and winter and we are not pressd for time like during the school season. So you all know in two weeks I will be having me Sept. fall cook Two days of cooking morning noon and night ...........I do look forward to it because a GOOD WIFE always has dinner waiting for her man when he gets home form .............well in the 1950's she did ....wink wink .........

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The smart ones make it easy!

At the Bear shop Monday night and tonight I will continue to train a new "Bearbuilder" who will work there after school when it starts. I have done training a few times before and it could be dreadful if you have to train an airhead type. I am so glad to say this girl is such a smart one. She also catches on fast and has a nack for being freindly. Ya gotta be freindly, I mean really friendly to work at the BABW! It makes me look forward to going in tonight and gives me hope that the teens are on the right track to being our future in a positive light. I hope that many teens out there "get on track and stay on track" so that this country can prosper and not be a disfunctional place. So off to entertain the masses of the bear buying society. My job is a stage and I do all the acting and entertaining to put smiles on the faces of many. Don't forget I also contribute to the econmony of the retail industry. Gotta keep the American Economy rolling.......

Monday, August 21, 2006

I did not miss much...So I hear!

Last night I was going to leave a going away party early to watch Big Brother. Yes once again(NO TIVO) but I was having some laughs and felt the need to stay and not have a TV show run when I go home. My husband watched for me to report the nights happenings. He is not a faithful watcher like I am so it was nice of him to veiw it for me. (Maybe that will get him hooked). I was told by him and the chaters on the BB chat that nothing big happend and I did not miss anything too exciting. Those of you who would never waste your time watching a mundane show like thta do not get how good of a show it is. Yes a great show about watching some people sit in a house day after day with no outside communications or computers or news. They compete every so often for things like HOH and POV and food. Yes they have to earn food. They get lots of it when they earn it but the poor shleps may have to eat BB SLOP (gross oatmeal type food that can have protien powder added for substance) for the week to weaken their game play. It is a moral low when put on slop for the week. The oldest of the HG's is CG (Chicken George) he is a well know HG from the 1st season that is an upstandiing husband and dad type that is not as game as the other lying type players. He is little on the nerdy side but it makes him liked by the older crowd b/c of his high moral family values. He like myself does alot of the "taking care of" cooking cleaning and advice giving to the HG's who are feeling down. He himdelf I know is missing his family and keeps his feeling inside to not seem weak to the others. The game has changed a lot since season 1 so George is a little on the not so with it side when it comes to the currant way to play BB. It is a game of lies and acting like you care and do not. I have said many times on the chat that I am a high standard MORAL person but I do think in the house no matter how moral you try to be you HAVE to lie to get anywhere in that game. You have to swollow your moral pride and lie and hope that you lie well b/c it can be so transparent when a HG is trying to screw one over (pardon my words)....So yes I was sad to miss my first show of this season but was I happy to stay at the party with a group of fun gals and some guys to see off the group of kids going back to college for the year...Yes, it was nice to see them all together at one time and we had a blast despite the lightning and rain.......I will be watching Tuesday, Thusday and next Sunday 'till the game ends on Sept. 18.........Atleast that is my plan.........

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Big Brother 7 .....ALLSTARS MY FOOT!

I am so angry at CBS this year. I have been a tru blu BB fan since season 1. I vowed once not to ever watch again b/c a real slimball won on one of the seasons. It was the EVIL DR. WILL KIRBY!....He is now on allstars and is taking the house by storm. Why is it that this evil manipulating man has such a hold on this house. He just better not win again. I am such a die hard fan we left a Lowell Spinners game early one year b/c it was finale night. Yes....I did make it look like I had a masive stomach ache but it was to get home in time for BB! Am I the evil one now? I really enjoy the show and yell when things are not going like I want them. It is my one vice I want to keep///lol.......I sure hope that this year a deserving HG wins. I do very much look forward to next year to get to know NEW HG's /////I am sick of the same 'ol hg's from seasons past. I know in the chat rooms for BB alot of other fans are not happy with the so-called ALLSTAR cast. So to all you BB fans out there.......Jani has got to get the big heave hoe b/c she is one lol, Dr. Will has to get some nice meds in him, and to the Chicken are a good guy CG but stop embarrising your family with all the crazy weird clothes....LOL LOL
Go BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ryans progress......

From the Blog about Rys infection on the birthmark......It has cleared and is back to normal...He still has 4 days on the meds. When we go for a follow up on Thurday next week we will make the appmnts. for the Childrens. I was glad that the meds. cleared it up and he is a trooper on the 4x's a day taking it. He reminds us about the time and makes slash marks on the day when he takes it. He too is a true RAFTERY lol........A real GO GO ORGANIZER! He is his fathers boy......

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Water Counrty, Water Country Have sum fun dah dah dah!

You know that catchy jingle from the TV! We are off bright and early to Water Country in the morning. We got a hugh discount from the Post Office where my FIL works. It was a $30 ticket fro $17. almost half off. I guess they have to give the government postal workers some kind of a deal to keep them from "going all postal on them" LOL LOL I crack me up!!!! I hope I do you too!!! So we have all the goodies to pack in the cooler b/c we refuse to spend $40 + on crap park food and $2.00 waters. The smell of the food cooking there will give anyone argidah (heart burn in Italian). So we will have sandwiches and snacks with plenty of inexpensive Shaws water............I hope it is a hot day tom. I did hear it was to be the hottest of the week. We had to X our plans on Tues. b/c of the rain but it did clear up pretty early but we did not want to risk it. So off to bed to get up bright and early. Park opens at 10am, leave here at 845 so we can get 4 good chairs right up front near the wave pool. I really enjoy the wave pool but do not like when it gets overcrowded. We are in hopes that b/c it is a weekday the crouds will be small. I do enjoy Whales Tale in Lincoln NH much more than WC, we were there last week and it is not a close drive like WC. So off we go to "hit the waves" //////Have a great sun and fun filled day!!!! Don't forget to wear the sunscn (Ry used to call it that years ago)//////Happy end of the summer day to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We needed this rain!

I am not one to encourage the rain. I love when the sun is shining. I do think that todays rain is needed. The news said the month of August has only( . ).4" of rain, we are 1" behind our needed goal. I was told yesterday at this point I did not need anymore sun on my (thanks Dana)......I guess going back to work after a weeek+ and darker than when I left they could see the change in color more than I can. One of my co-workers (Amy) asked if I changed races....So at that point I ask "am I THAT dark?"......SO thank the heavens for the rain today and try to stay busy without the sun. Hey it must mean I have lots of vit D in me at this point. Maybe that is why I am always so happy....I hear Vit. D makes you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sun has Vit D so GO SUN!!! Stay Dry!

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Night with the Bears.......

It was a night with the bears tonight....Not the gizzzlllly kind the fluffy kind. I have been fortunate enough to not have had to work all that much this summer due to the "kids" being out on summer break and the other Kids at the workshop being home from college ect.. They have been doing the hours I would be doing if the kids were in school. I do look forward to after Labor Day going back to my reg. schd.. I do however also like working at night b/c it is just a "differnt" kind of croud that comes in from the 10-2 croud in the mall. I see many mall walkers and moms with kids in tow killing time of the average weekday. We get many preschoolers in the am/noon time croud. I get to do most of my tiding up in the AM so I really like that. However in the eve I try my best to do the once over to clean the entire place but it is not possible when the customers need to be serviced. I guess it is better to have more than less b/c then I would be blah blah in' about no sales...and sales are very important in retail.....thats the "fluff" that keeps us afloat...GET IT!.......SO as for this eve what better place to be (besides with my sweetie and my awesome boys) than with our hugh selection of furry friends. Hey if you don't have a BAB yet you should try it....It is an experience and you will have a cuddly friend for life!! Bear Huggin' and Lovin' .......Beary Sweet Dreams ; )

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Doctors Office......

Well we were at the pedi today for the first time ever not having a well visit appmnt. ........When we got home from the lake yesterday Ryan who never complains of anything showed us the outter part of his ear. He has a small pinhead size bump from birth on the outer part of his ear. We were told he could not have it removed till at least 18? I have no clue why. So it was enlarged and red and looked full of liquid, if you even touched it with the gentlest of hands he would flinch and yell that it really hurt. So we did not want to take any chances. The doctor had his chart and commented like always he never sees us except on well visit days. So he knew I was weirded out by the "growth"........Ryan is now on anti-bis for ten days b/c yes there is an infection. We have to make a visit to Childrens Hospital in Boston for a plastic surgeon and an ear specialist to see if the "bump/mark" is connected to any part of the ear canal inner workings. I try to make guesses at was it the lake bacteria? or the pools at Whales Tales? or just the sand? no only follin on that guess. We will never know. I must say the doctor is a real stickler for looking at things. He gave him a head to toe exam and made sure he was in tip top shape. We also took my neice who is 2 with us b/c we had her for the day while her parents were at work. She also sees a doctor at the same pedi office. While we were there we asked him to look at a rash on her leg. Not a problem I called it prickly heat rash....Like I told my bil and sil....some cornstarch or medicated powder.......I am no doctor but I have seen prickly heat before. I was very pleased that we got to see the doctor asap. I am also glad that we will get to the bottom of the "bump" mystery.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

We just had to stay another night.......

It is so nice to see and be in your own home again after being away. I must say when we were packing up the truck this afternoon I was a bit sad to leave. Sand and all I had an AWESOME time as well as the boys and Michael. Every time we did an activity we got lots of thank yous from both of them. I tell you they were proud I did this with no complaints except for BUGS....I was eaten alive. I think th emore olive your skin the more attracted they are to you. You had to see the first night we were there right before sunset we went down to the rolling brook of freash water, it was full of clean clear crisp water flowing so fast you just wanted to glide down the stream with it. I did not get to go ALL the way down b/c I had three males that were very concerned with moms balence on the 90* steep decent. (I do understand where they are coming from b/c I just fell on our house steps 5 inches from the ........with 7 doz of eggs in my hands mind you /one doz gone but that was all......I was bringing them down the steps to give to a freind who was helping me make 30 doz of egg salad for the food shelter from our chuch group...) I was sitting on the lowest level I was going to be and swinging at the "siqutos' (Ry used to call them that when he was a tot). There had to have been 3 other moms there waiting like I was for the MEN. They were not in any anquish like I was. I think I was the olny one being bambuzzeled by them. One lady did state the bugs were bad this season. Well then why arn't you swatting like a maniac like I am? Well I am sure they were near her but she does not react like I do. At one point I get up and find a less steep way to get all the way down .....trying to attempt it I slide about 5-10 feet on my well cussioned bottom and have heart palpitations thinking I am not stoping till I get in the water.....I grab a branch and call it a night and head back to the spot that they said to stay put at.......I tried..........Other than that I have not one complaint...I am so glad that yes there was tv and local stations came in ..I have to keep up with news and Big Brother All Stars.........Oh and GO BLUE! that is Josh Blue from Last Comic Standing.......He was the winner.....yeah.................So here I am trying to "catch up" with the computer stuff. (there was a library really close to where we were and I was sooo tempted to send the boys on a hike and head on over to the computer at the libray, then I said would a library in the boonies of NH have a computer with internet service lol lol ya think I was in the middle of nowhere) You know you are in the middle of nowhere when you turn off the main road and the first house you see is 4 miles from the main road. So I am back and ready to wash all the sand and junk away and do lots of to the laundry room...I shall take a book it is gonna be awhile lol lol lol Miss yeah all........glad to be back "on line"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

They call it camping.......

Our friends have a really new, well kept stationary trailer style home with a sunroom addition on it in New Hampshire at I think it is called Dan Lake. A beauitful lake it is. I may not like the beach but I do enjoy Lake Sebago in Maine as well as this one. We were offered to use it this week Monday -Wednesday because they will not be there. We were thrilled that they offered because Michael is on his two week summer vacation. We did not plan on staying over night to save on the cost of hotels. My father in law always offers his family rate at the Days Inn chain of hotels. We get great deals at $129.00 a night hotels for a mear $29.00, now thats a savings! We were also used to getting the Hilton Hotels discount because for 4 years Michael was an auditor for a Homeward Suites Hotels as a second job. So at this point it kills me to pay full price at hotels. We did not want to over use his fathers famliy pass because so many people use the pass over and over and over again. So we are off "camping" tom. morn.. It is funny because with all the comforts of home they still call it "camping". That is fine by me because if I had to REALLY camp I just would have to stay home. The funny thing about these friends, they are a couple without children and are as anal as we are when it comes to keeping order. When we went 2 summers ago with them there they were very pleased that our boys were quote un quote not animals lol.......They were also greatful that we were "the neatest guests they ever had". The wife told me that her husband NEVER lets anyone stay over without them there so I am very honored that we were offered to use the place in their absence. I like the clubhouse that has activites for adults and children and some free nights such as make your own sundays and hot dog night..............I do not however like that the place has not a single paved is all dirt that gets dusty and lifted up when you walk or drive on it. I guess that is where the "camp" thing comes in . I will suck it up and have a wonderful time and go there with the best attitude ever. Hey whats a little dust........ahhhhhhh DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dirty dust.......UGH.....there will be lots of foot baths the next three days.......Have a great sunny and happy day. We'll be back in a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY CAMPING!

Friday, August 04, 2006

I did think my % would be higher........

I took the on line blog test about being "obsesive" and a control freak////Well my 56% on both amazed me that it was so low. I really did think it would be closer to 80% or higher on the obsesive one. I will not be a control freak when it comes to people just stuff. In work I am known as the organizer/cleaner of the place. I make sure the entire place in in tip top condition and if I am away for more that two days when I go back it is atleast a 2 hour or so task to get things back to normal, at least my normal. My manager does love it because she is a far cry from being the organizer and I have no clue how she can work like that. Some may say life is too short to obsese with those things but my life runs so well with massive organization. I feel a clean house = a clean soul, on so many levels. So to all you neat freaks out there...I am so with you on this one..........Have a wonderful night full of organizing yourself and your lol It is great to be neat and obsesivly lol I know if you don't know me very well you would think I was over the top with this ...and yes I am and soooooo very proud to profess it to all..........I am A NEAT FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I am sure I am not the only one who hates bugs. I know there are people out there who dislike the idea of a bug in the house or around ect. but I totaly freak out when I am near bugs. Ever since I was little I make a spectical of myself when a bee or hornet fly even within 20 feet of me. I was at the ball field for our sons first t-ball practice way back when and my husband was the coach and I "helped" hahahhaha, so a bee flew right at me and I was a bablin' freak show. I swear the boys and my husband were like we do not know her I made it clear to the people we did not know I am not a psyco I just have a fear of bugs. I really get so anxious around bugs I almost hyperventelate. I know we are 700% bigger than the bug but I still think it has so much power over me. I am a perfect case study for hypno-theropy of getting rid of a bug phobia. I wish there were somthing out there for this. I will run and wave my arms around with a fear so fierce that just last week I lost my voice from all the screaming I did in front of my uncle and sons freind. Yes I did! you are saying right now, come on it is not that bad well I say to you it IS! you can ask Normie about .......Just when you think you are save in your home with no fear of the insect world BHAM! A hugh crawly thing atleast 2 inches long is on the floor scramblin to run under the ottaman. AHHHHHHH screams of fear and the brave boy Stephen is picks up his book and WHAM! BIG BAD BUG IS I hope........we run to get a papertowel and have him scoop it up and it starts to wiggle.....AHHHHHHH more loud shreaks from me and WHAM the thing is now he puts it in the trash I tie up the bag, half full mind you I will not take any chances and put it in the garage to not haunt me all night in the house. Even as I sit here to tell of this BUGGY TALE....I have to look over my shoulder towards the stairs that lead down to the garage and wonder what else is creeping and crawling around in this summer heat? I hope I can sleep and pray for a bug free world. We all know that is the most stupid thing to pray for but with a fear as big as a mountain full of bugs I have to put my mind at ease some how......SO have a great bug free eve......... ; )