Monday, October 30, 2006

Have a beary happy Halloween......

It is koocky spooky at the BABW! I am sporting a friendly witch ensemble and love to wear something other than the denim and khaki wear that has to always be worn. It was so cute today I overheard a girl in the mall say "look mom a witch is over there", so I looked around and opps she meant me....hehehehehe.....Silly, when you hav eon the stuff you forget why others are looking at you. lol ..........It is fun I think it makes for a friendlier day, if that is at all any more possible at the workshop. We got some preschoolers in their costumes. Lots of outfits being bought to "match" the bears. I am sure we will get our share tommorow of trick or treaters and lots of spooky kooky will be had by all..........Have a beary silly hallowen and stay clear of the tricks......Just treats..................

Saturday, October 28, 2006

From the land of the lost!

How many of you remember on Saturday Mornings the show LAND OF THE LOST? I watched that show faithfully and HATED it. Well not hated it but was scared crapless from it, but still watched. I was chatting with one of the workers from the Halloween store at the mall and he mentioned this cool mask. I saw it and freaked out it took me back to the Land of the Lost show. It had these awful looking alien type creatures that would freak me out. I googled it this morning and got sent to click on the song that will really get you a blast from the past. Why is it even though I highly loath this show I watched it over and over? I was so scared that the kids would NEVER get home again. I never liked the whole idea of the prehistoric era so I guess this was what bothered me the most. I guess we are creatures of habit and we just do what we always do.........sit and watch!

Friday, October 27, 2006

What kind of Christmas Tree are you?

*You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree
Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents.From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone.* I can agree with that.....I LOVE TO MAKE HOMEMADE EDIBLE GIFTS>I think they are from the heart and more personal. I think of exactly what the recipient likes and taylor make it for them right down to the presentation. I do not claim to be Martha ( I would not want to dare be compared to that money laundering witchlol) sorry John F................but I do love to put a smile on a face and yummys in the tummy so I will this year as always make some yummy treats and make them look of so very cute. A classic gift for a classic Christmas gal!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month....

Just a little reminder to sport your "pink". At the workshop the bears are dressed with some pink sashes like the pink swish. I always have one on my car and a little one on the antena. It was taken once but Walmart mostly carries them in the sock area on an endcap. I was honored to bake 3 dozen cookies with pink M & M's and cook up some fudge also w/M & M's. Michaels work lost a wonderful women to this aweful sickness and they are having a bakesale to honor Joanne. In years past they had bake sales and Joanne was an avid baker and helper of many fundraisers. To show that that the bank misses and appreciated all the work she did and gave of herself , even during her treatments the money will be donated to the Susan G. breast cancer fund. Please remember and pray for all the women, men and children that are affected by this. God Bless and may the angels always be with you.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My RY RY is doing great!

Ryan had his "procedure" today. We had a long day even though it is only 300pm. Up at 5am, a half hour earlier than regular, on the road to drop of Stephen at a friends to take his bus, and an hour of 128 traffic. We had to be there by 730 this morn and we got there at 729.....Now to little miss anal that is considered LATE! Not on time LATE!..........Michael and I both got to go into the pre-op area but after that only one of us could "scrub up" and go into OR. We all know that would be Michael. The word of small incision made me woozzy when Doc was going over the steps. I could NEVER work in a hospital or anything medical. As I sat in the waiting room it brough back memories of when Stephen had a herniah (SP) removed when he was 4. We were lucky to have an old friend and classmate from PJH there as an intern to give us the white glove treatment. (Normie, what was that awesome kids name that became a doctor with the dreamy curly black hair from Melrose...he was so handsome and the nicest person back in HS..I am stumped for his name). I felt most fortuane because there were lots of other moms in the waiting room for much longer problems. I got ot have some play time with a cute 3 yr old boy who was missing his brother who was in or for atleast 4 hours, so my 50mins or so could not compare with this poor young pregnant mom of the boy in OR the 3 year old and her almost due baby;another boy! Dawn I tought of you b/c of the 3 boy thing. So we have been home for 3 hours now and Ry has been fine. Nothing to eat because he just has no need or desire for it. We will see how dinner goes. Thanks for your prayers.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Where were you at 4:00 am?

We were on a ladder. Yup I said ladder. Deep in a dream I sprang from my sleep to hear a beep from the smoke alarm. They are hard wired so the battery has to be really low for this to happen. On Thursday eve I sent Michael to CVS for the bogo batteries because that was when the beeping statred...Then it stoped when he brought in his hugh pacakage of goodies. He was sent for 4 items....2 that he had to pay for and 2 that would be free: hence BOGO........He brought back a lighter for a candel, Sweedish Fish(for himself), and a smelly candel. At the point when he got here with the batteries the beeps stoped. I being a women said to change ALL of them at that point. Men have other ideas. He thinks if it is not broke don't fix it. Well if it had all new batteries maybe, just maybe on Sunday at 400am we would not be on a ladder. We have really high ceilings and of course the beeping came from the one at the highest point. Murphys Law! We also had to change the one in Ryans room with a chair. He did not move nor at breakfast did he have a clue what went on. He claims he never "hyper-sleeps" , but I beg to differ. At 420am when this was all set he made the suggestion of kicking in the heat for a bit due to the temp reading 58*. Now here comes another post .....IT DID NOT GO ON...Even though he went down and turned on the burner. We have plenty of oil and the house is only 5 years old, we get a tune up every year from the same burner what is the problem? At this point, do we even bother going back to bed? We share a cup of heat(orange tea for me and vanilla chi for him) and ponder ........with blankets on our shoulders. Finnally I think sleep enters our minds again and we head off to bed for an hour or so of shut eye. Cozy in the warmth of the bed once again awoken by a beeping NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is now 745am and down to the garage he goes keys and ladder in hand....Oppss forgot those two above the cars....Not only did he have to change the batteries the cars had to be moved into the cold of the dark day. Then a BEEP from the truck....a light goes on ...OH MY WHAT IS IT WITH THESE BEEPPPPPSSSSS!!!!!!!!! He gets the handbook of the truck ...low tire to the gas station for air...STOP THE BEEPING NOISES>>>>>>PLEASE

Friday, October 20, 2006

And the winner of the St. Lazarus School spelling bee is.......

not me........... As you have noticed I am not a great speller. All my life I have had the worst time with pronouncing and spelling. Herbs are the worst. I boch the words and also flowers. I ask my children how to spell words from the computer when typing or writing letters. Ryan has never got under a 90% on his spelling tests. Stepen is also a good speller but has to think about it unlike Ry who belts it out lickety split. Was I lazy in studing in the lower grades? No I tried so hard and was very frustrated when Nana T would test me and I would get the word wrong over and over despite studing for them. She was very low key and di dnot get really mad when I would make the same spelling error over again. The words that Ryan comes home with are so over the top sometimes. I guess it is due to the BIG MCAS test that expects them to know everything. His most recent power word was juxblah blah was out of my league. (Normie please post the proper spelling).......How do fifth graders get these over the top words...? I should resort to homeschooling.....LOL LOL LOL SO Ry can teach me a few things lol lol ........ This was the year I correctly spelt MASSACHUSETTS........Yippie It only took 35 years living here to get it!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Have you heard of Acai?

This stuff is GOOD 4 U! About 6 months ago I went in search for it at Wild Harvest to find frozen blocks of it. I was not pleased with the taste when adding it to our Yogurt Smooties at breakfast. It has an intense taste with a chocolate undertone. You would think I would go loopy with the taste of chocolate but it was too dence and lacked umph. SO I found it today in juice form with a choice of passion fruit or mango. I got both and LOVE passion fruit. You have got to try the stuff. It has more anitoxidents than blueberries and is so tasty. It was low in calorie content for the size of the bottle and the carbs or sugs it has is naturally occuring so that is better than processed sug. So give it a try if you can find it........Also Ponoranit Juice is yummy too......(I know I spelt it wrong) .........

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In the mornings darkness.....

It is 645am and still rather "dark" out there. I am sure in 2 weeks it will be a bit more light when we turn the clocks back. Then I will type at 400pm and vent about how dark it is early. I tell you the truth I think I have a mild case of SAD when the fall ends and winter begins. I am an extermly stable and hapy person in mostly all aspects of my life but this winter thing has ALWAYS got me SAD....There is a real thing called Seasonal something Disorder. DR. Phil..HELPPPP!

Monday, October 16, 2006

I refuse to put on the heat!

OK raise your hand if you woke up this morning and it felt like December! <<<>>>...... I do not think that the heat should go on this early, yes we are frugal I mean BUT come on it is sooooo cold the outside temp read 27* HELLO! Why is it so cold so soon. We were in shorts last weekend when it was 70's and balmy. Ugh to how fast the weather changes in New England. I so badly wanted to stay under the toasty warm covers this morning so did the kids. I woke to Michael with the comforter over his head and at that point I knew it had to be cold in here. lol Even if I wanted to turn the heat on after he left for work it was not possible b/c we, I mean he shuts down the furnice in March and it may be turned on around November. I may have to turn it on this week because our neice Selena is coming for the day on Wednesday. Ryan has a half day of school and I took the day off from the bears. The little 2 year old peanut will freeze if she comes here and it is like this. I will have to resort to turning on the oven for an hour with the door open. That was a trick growing up in the triple decker in the winter when the electric went out during a storm the gas oven still worked so we could stay semi-warm in the kitchen. We now have an electric oven so that would not help in a power outage but it will on Wednesday before she comes lol. I leave you this morning with this, no more sandels no more short sleaves and wear your jackets, we have to come to the realization.. it is FREEZZZZZINNGGG these days,,,,,,,,,STAY WARM AND GIVE A BIG BEAR HUG TO THE ONES YOU LOVE>>>>>>>Bear Huggin' and Lovin'

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Don't hit fast forward...just don't do it!

I was so excited to hear that "Click" the movie was out on DVD yesterday. I called the place near by (not many left) to hold it for us. I wanted to see it so badly when it first came out but we are mostly a family who "waits" for dvd. A fellow Blogger said it was a great movie and I have to agree 100%. I Love Adam Sandler movies so I knew that this would not be a disappointment. Ryan, at the start of the movie called the ending and I was in agreement because it just looked like it was heading in the direction that he stated. Smart boy that Ry. I must say it has an awesome undertone of a spiritiual meaning without being shoved on your face. If you have not yet watched it please do so. I was in stiches. It does not take much to put me in stiches but it was really cute and funny. It was well worth the $3.75 and think of all the $ saved from not going to the movies....not spending .....$10.50 x4=42for tickets /popcorn and soda $20.00... sitting on the couch with familyand a fuzzy fleace blanket priceless.......CLICK

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Back in the summer I posted about "Jack", a little boy who was a member of our church and town. Everyone knows and LOVES this family. They are rays of sunshine any time you come across them. Well on Thursday Jack had his second opperation to remove the tumor in his head. The first one was not able to get the entire thing. With weeks of radiation and this last opperation I shout with thanks and praise to God that IT IS GONE! The opperation not only got rid of it, there is also no need to continue any radiation b/c that is how great this turned out. Thank you for your prayers far and wide and thanks to the Higher being that watches and blesses over us. I am typing through the tears, of thanks and joy and so gald to report this awesome update. Have a wonderful day and never loose faith. God Bless!

Friday, October 06, 2006

No Fried Dough...but Veggie Tempura was great..

.............not like there was "NO" fried dough, 5 stands to be exact. I was not in the mood for a piece of dough that cost $5.00. I can make a platter of it for under $2.00. SO thats what I am doing tomorrow. After apple pickin' in NH and Saturday eve Mass I will hit the kitchen with yummy smells of fried dough and apple yum yums. The fair was not overly crowded last night, I like that. We had some really fun family time together. It is always the same year after year. I think that is what makes it feel so special. I am glad we went to our yearly visit and am lookin' forward to the Apple Orchards......Next Apple Cider Donuts.....oh how yummy, hot and crisp....can you picture it? Can you almost taste it? The smell alone will send you to a sweet and tender place. See you at the orchards......

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Topsfield Fair...

...the oldest fair in our country, so the sign states. We will be there Thursday afternoon. Michael was able to buy reduced rate tickets from the bank. That is a help because the Fair is now $10.00 for adults and $6.00 for children. And what do you get for $10.00 you ask. A walk through the gate. Yes you and a lucky guest for $20.00 can mosey on through the turnstyle and enter to a world of smelly cow pooh and oil scents of the frydough queen. You may even take in a few whifs of pig smell with a nice aroma of gas on the side. It is a treasuretrove of smells. We do however enjoy our yearly visits. About 17 or so years ago Michael and I went there on a "date", it has been a tradition ever since. Back then we were just 2 people in the crowd. These days at the fair we walk about 3 feet and chat with all the other locals that we know from the TRI-Trown.....We cannot walk around without saying at least 500 hellos to fellow Middletonites and locals from church ect. It is like one big block party. It makes you think of the days 17 years ago when you were just another fair patron. Last year Ryan entered a freehand pencil drawing for the "artist" exihbit. He got an entry blue ribbon and many people mentioned they saw it was his. He did not place because his entry was "political" I guess politics and the fair do not mix. He drew an airplane (Army style) in the backround with an American Flag and an Airforce Solider saluting the flag and had the title as "Support Our Troops, God Bless America" ....I guess both the political and relg. aspects made it "an entry" and not a contender. Well I read the rules and regs and I guess I did not read them closely. So this year when the form came in the mail Ryan declned despite our encouragement to enter. We were not going to push him. I recall how proud he was when we were at the fair last year and his old art teacher came up to him and was so happy to see one of her students work. She made a hugh deal that he was her only student that has ever entered and he had the abilty to have an enrty worth entering. (got all that ) ....So I will be a bit sad to go to the art exhit hall and not see a Ryan original.(it now hangs proudly in his room) So this years fair also brings a step in the "growing" up stage for Stephen. He was at opening night on Friday. His best friend who lives in Topsfield (residence get opening night tickets free) had an extra ticket for him to go to opening night for free. We were hesitant to drop off and p/u and not be there. With lots of thinking and trusting we "let him go". Don't get me wrong my belly was in knots for 5 hours. Yes from 3:30-8:30 he was at the fair with "friends" and not us. Funny when you live in a small town how many people know you and "watch" out for the other kids. You can't do wrong when all eyes are watching. I have no notion that he would do worng because he has a great head on his shoulders and is a leader not a follower, the hard part is the "letting go" part. I know we can't be with then 24/7 but they are our"babies", they will always be our "babies". SO back to the fair stuff. We saw that Thursday is going to be at the most 63*..........We have gone to the fair in hot weather and it is not the same. It has to be cool, crisp, and fall like to truely be "The Fair".....SO folks I will give reports on how it goes and how yummy the bad for you fair food is.......Have a great day,,,stay warm by giving lots of bear huggggssss!