Friday, February 29, 2008

I love Basil! or should I say "Basinehghal"

I love to get my friend Janes home grown Basil every summer. She has a nack for growing and her garden, a true Italian one is wonderful.....I am glad that is the spice I

You Are Basil

You are quite popular and loved by post people.

You have a mild temperament, but your style is definitely distinctive.

You are sweet, attractive, and you often smell good.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Caught 2 bugs....

I have been under the weather for about 4 days now. It is not that bad just tons of tissue being used and I can not amplify my voice like I would like to. I took Zicam on Sunday and extra Vit C(I even Zicamed the kids and they were put off by the nasty after taste of the zink and hated that it dulled your taste buds), it was buy one get one free at Rite Aide and we passed one on the way home. It is expensive $11.99 for a 1.0 oz bottle. So getting one free was a good deal. It does what it said. It has made my bug not so bad and bearable. I also think it is coming ot an end much sooner than it would of without it. I have not taken any medicine b/c I am not one for meds. nor do I miss work. Unless I was dying I am the type to suck it up or atleast try. The other bug I caught was the reading bug. I am not one to read on purpose and if I do it is magazines and small stories like Chicken Soup for the Soul type books. My attention span is there but reading was never a want. In a past a few back Normie sent me my most beloved book ever and I am all done with it. As with every time I read it I sob my eyes out b/c Francie is all grown up and moving on and the "Tree" persavered and got by the hard times and still was able to laugh and love what she went through. That is for another post. After completing my first owned edition of that book I had the bug, the reading bug. I needed to get more. I liked snuggling up on the chair in the corner of our room(the one I really did not want to take from MILs house but ended up matching wonderfully and being a great piece of furniture for the room)I wanted to read something that would bring me to a differnt place, like back to the late teens in Brooklyn where Francie lived. I was close to reading Great Expectations but I xed that one. Way too deep and too much content. I did not want to revist Tuesdays with Maury nor the other one that was just a made for TV movie. I was at a deadend and was goin to make a trip to the make shift Library, ours is being renovated and restored to its original gradude as the Hictorical Society stated when they wanted the town votes to raise taxes 3% to take care of the $1.5 mil project that passed. I did not have to go far. Ryan brough home two books from the school library and I picked one up. I love the Author Andrew Clements and have read Frindel and Janitors Boys so I kept reading after looking at the overview of the book. I got hooked last night and read most of it and am going to finich tonight before Big Brother of course lol. I do plan on making a trip to the libray Friday afternoon even though the books are slim pickins since it is in a make shift trailer. I am surprised at my recent desire to read more. I have nothing against it and comend all who do it on a regular basis. I guess it is a faze....Off to read the rest of the book.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just plain weird.....

As the children get older things is one example.....late this afternoon after getting things organized from being home, this afternoon I head to the store to pick up a few things and Michael went to the transfer staion aka dump to get rid of the garbage. I call home to see if eggplant would be the choice for dinner and say "Hey babe have I told you lately that I love you?" Yes moooomm you have is the responce I get....OH MY goodness......His voice sounds JUST like his fathers since it changed.I really tought it was Michael answering...OPPS! About a week ago I called home knew M was not going to be there b/c he would be working and I was like what are you doing home? the responce "you said to stay put and not leave".OPPS! It did sound like Michael then too. I was thinking you left work early. Well no he did not b/c it was my son. I will now have to watch and maybe ask or listen really close. JUST PLAIN WEIRD!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

cooking and slapshots....

the indoor sk8 park and the Mnt. for snow tubeing!

The class went well. We had so much fun making then serving the food to the boys. Cassie doe not like math and realized just how much math and science are needed for cooking/baking. She is such a cutie pie...or should I say a fudgie
So the tourny is going well. The past 3 games Stephen has been one goal shy of a hat trick every time. Todays game was intense, since we had a few that could not make it and 2 injuries the team was short and the players had a lot of ice time and skating to do. We won this one 7-3 and like I said S got 2 of the goals, on defence and one was a slap shot from the blue line. He had 4 other shots on net that could of been that hat trick he has been wanting so badly. I told him I would take him to Lids, his favorite store. We came in 3rd in the tourny. We won like 3 of the five games but it is all about how many goals you have, I don't know how to figure it out???? Friday night is a fun for all scrimdge game but Stephen will be at Ramp Camp the inline/bike place. We are in NH for the weekend to see the exabition of the skills they learn tonight until Sunday. He will be in the sk8 board anbd bike exhabitons and not the in line b/c once you have been in one you can not take part in that division again. That was his choice last year. We will be going to Loon Mnt. to snow tube in Lincoln and are staying in Fanconia NH with Cassie and her family. It is 12* right now so I can jsut imagine what it will be at night and on the Mnt. YIKES. We all know how much I love snow/cold...NOT! The past few days the rinks have been so cold. Ryan even is opting to wear his snow hat, you know when a kid asks for a hat it is cold...LOL Kids hate wearing those things. Speacking of Ryan, he has had lots of other rink rat siblings to play with this tourny. He really likes being there to watch and cheer on Stephen and the team. He got an offer from a freind to stay at his house and he declined b/c he said he really wants to go....That is nice of him. As I have been getting hats/gloves/snowpants/really warm PJs and yes of course swimsuits together I keep saying the kids love this stuff be happy and have a good time. Yes I truly have to convice myself to like the North and go there with a good attitude. Enjoy the cold and the snow.....It is coming Friday night......not where we are going I hear it will stay to far south to hit that far North....HORRAY!........Happy Weekend!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

cooking class with Cassie.....

When the kids were babies I watched other children in the house for extra cash AND b/c I loved kids. I had some really great families and one crazy one. TAYLA BING! lol short stack pancake mans this dad was a lonnney bin.....
So back to the story, Cassie my little love was with us from the time she was 19months old until atleast 1st grade and maybe longer since she would even come after school too. She is the best 12 year old cook I know. She is so smart with figuring out what goes with what ect. She makes concocktions like I did when I was young. She loves to try new things and was the only 4 year old that I knew that liked Brocklirapie sanwiches, a very bitter dark green veggie sauted with What kid likes that stuff? LOL So this week on Wednesday she is coming over to have some "lesons". She is so excited and called twice to make sure she brings the right stuff to make things. I can't wait to spend time with her again. The first time we baked a cake her and Ry were at the breakfast bar in the old house, we are mixing ect the doorbell rings...I tell them to stay put and I go down to answer it(a raise ranch) I walk up the stairs to find Ryan covered in cakebatter all over the place. He was 3 and she was 2 1/2 ......It was a sight. I was livid but also had to hold back the laughs b/c it was a site. I asked why he did it and he said Cassie did it and said I would look yummy. LOL LOL ....Still to this day she is a little bossy to him and he has always let her be. She is half his size but has the personallity larger than life. Our plan is to make chocolate mouse, fudge ( I really dont want her to have the secret resp. JK) and butterhorn cookies. It is more a baking not cooking class. After that we are off to a hockey tourny game in NH. As for Monday and Tuesday time at the bear barn, a very busy time of year for bears. Lots of hockey and a Ramp Camp compition. fun fun fun .....Have a great week......xoxoxoxo

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Made this up and it came out wonderful.....

Last night I made eggplant. Well I fried up the thin slices in evoo coated with the four egg and seasoned breadcrumbs....not that it is not good just as it is but I took it a step beyond. I was going to make eggplant parm today but I got an idea. I took a bag of spinach sauted it in evoo and garlic, then made homemade pseton (no pinenuts) provolone and romano cheese and layed it like I would parm style....Baked it to melt the cheese let it sit before I cut into it...WELL was it fabo....I put it on Trader Joes cheese and garlic loaves and it made for one beauty of a new creation. OH MY ...the house smells so fragrant and lovely from the pesto( I love basinigol aka basil) and the baking of the creation.....I took a bite of my sandwich and am waiting for M and the boys to eat soon.....MY MY what an awesome dinner........had to share......maybe with pesto love is in the air...LOL LOL

~Happy Hearts Day~

Have a great day to you and the love of your life. I am thankful and blessed to have such a wonderful person to share my life, laughs and friendship with. I hope you too are in love and have a great Love Day......

Sunday, February 10, 2008


We have seen so much snow from Thursday to today it is insain. Today the squalls were so bad driving to N Anodover that we coul dnot see a hand in front of us. I was just glad we needed to stop for gas and we sat it out a bit at the gasstation b/c I could tell even Michael who does not get ratteled was like what the heck! Last night I look out and AGAIN the driveway needs to be shoveled. Except for the three inches of slush, ice and snowy muck on Thursday morn we have not needed to really shovel a ton but have to go over and over the dusting ect to keep the hill clear. This is an outrage.......Even Michael got in from this morn and said "whos ready to make the move to Florida"...Either he was trying reall yhard to pull my and the boys chain at breakfast or he is just as sick as I am. The boys were like no we love this. Yesterday they were out for 3 hours in the crap. They were having a grando ol time. I was like r they not freezing? They were sweating from all the runs up and down the hill in back. It did look like fun from afar. lol Still not my cup o tee. Please SPRING....come quick......Have you noticed that at 515pm it is just getting dark, it seems to stay light a tad bit longer the past few days........

Monday, February 04, 2008

Lake Placid NY 07 Got the Gold

Stephen is #77. The lil guy holding the Go Masco sign is out very own mascot Sam I am .....He is the lil brother of one of the players and is a hoot. He loves to trick Mrs. Ryan is at one of the Olympic Event places.

Walk on Fl Beach..finnalllly uploaded pics...

It was a beautiful day but then rain clouds came...the sky opened up for like 10 mins then back to sun....that weird Fl. weather.....

My birthday flowers from pretty

The deck.....

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Yeah so Giants are SuperBowl Champs...NOT THE PATS......How the heck can you win 18 games and the one game you loose is the BIGGEST one ? Crap......Ryan is mega dissapointed and I must say even though I slept through alot of it...I am too just b/c it is the home team. I am sure NE will be a somber place tom. Oh well at least on Tuesday Boston does not have to go though hell with the voting ect b/c of the parade. UGH.....well kudos to the Giants...Another Manning won the superbowl. I just wish it were Bills boys....ugh....we will not be getting in the babw shirts for the bears this week.....

2-3-08 37 years old today!

I never really made or make big deals about my birthday. In the past when I was a we lassie (lol) I did have some really cool parties. My mother may not have been there for me often but she was one to party so she made sure that I got some cool parties.(guilt thing I guess) Nana T always on a Sunday would have the Itailan Rum cakes yuck and all the old aunts and uncles over to celebrate. The gift of choice was savings bonds. A little gal really has no use for them but when she turns 18 and leaves for her first apartment on her own they come in very handy...LOL
I guess I have always done opposite of Paula so maybe that is why I find it repulsive to make a big deal of b-day. I think the thing that stings the most is that the only person I really want and cared for me unconditionally as a youngin, Nana T is the one person I can't get a call from. I am so greatful,thankful and blessed(I have to post a pic of the beautiful tulips Normie sent, luv u gf/bff) for all the well wishes on the comp and phone from all the people in my life but I hate that Nana T is no longer able to recall what day it is let alone what season. We went to see her last Sunday b/c this week was her 87th b-day and brought her 85th b-day bear a happy b-day cupcake. She did remember when we told her it was her b-day and said my sons is coming to b/c it is the day before hers. She is in and out of it so she says things that are corheant and then not. I surly do not long for the icky rum cake with the slivered almonds on it but long for the day that Nana T would wake her Stephie Baby and and hug me like I was just born all over again.