Monday, September 04, 2006

Twas the Night......

Twas the night before the first day and all through the house...lots of creatures were stiring, mom moving her "mouse". Typing away lots of numbers and keys to find out what the supplies might be. Iron the school clothes, clean off the shoes, got to get ready for the back to school blues.......All the parents excited to send off the children, for it's been a long summer and the time is a brewin'. Gotta love the first day of seeing them off and knowing their brain may never shut off. SO too all of the kids waiting for the first day, get lots of sleep there's no time for play!!!!

Have a great back to school time all you deserving parents out there!!! We all know I am sad to see them off to school once again b/c I love to spend time with all the kidos but it is a part of life and we must move on ...come on Old Man Winter BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no I did not mean sorry....I was foolin old man please be nice to us!!!!!!! ; )


Karen said...

Steph, you'll be amazed at how quickly those 6 hours go by! And then comes homework, sports, friends, etc.. I love the routine of getting back to school!!! Hope they have a wonderful first day and thanks for the poem :)

Drew said...

Great poetry, Steph!! Really funny. :-)

melissa said...

You are so talented!
3 out the door for me today!
Hope the 1st day goes well up in chilly MA!