Tuesday, September 05, 2006

5 Years later.......

When I went to take Ryan to school this morning there was a poster in the front foyer of the school with the time and place of the 9/11 memorial tribute that the school will be having in front of town hall across from the school. It is nice to know it is 10 mins after school starts and I will be able to attend. I would however request to go to work late if needed. I hope that as the years pass we never forget the families that lost loved ones. Time is said to heal all wounds but I am sure total healing may never really happen. With the help and strength of God I can pray and hope that these families as well as my fellow Americans can give our emotional support not just on the Aniversary of this tragic event but always. ......I have put together a few words to "NEVER FORGET"

This is titled HISTORY,
I shed a tear for History...............
His story, her story, our story......History is not just a story, it is true life. We may not have been there to see it but to hear of it makes us feel like we've lived it. I have learnt of many wars and hear people speak of Vietnam, WWII Pearl Harbor and other historical happenings that took place before my time. I have to shed a tear for history. I may have not been there or had lived it first hand but my heart acks all the same. I hold a place close to my heart for the brave Americans young and old that keep us "safe". Though to shed a tear is a true understatement when it comes to a day that will be forever etched in our hearts and in the history books forver. The differnce with this well known date is that I was able see the true horror unlike how years ago they are just stories. I know many other dates in American history are a terrible reminder of loss, this day is also a horric day of distruction and lives lost. This ever life changing day will be with us always. I have so many emotions from this day that words can not describe. This gross event has changed not only Americans but the world. I look at it as the brain is like a camcorder, once recorded it can play over and over. Time may fade the picture but it is always there. It may not be as clear as the first recording but made clearer with memory. In a way some do not want to remember and have it be a blur over time, but on the other hand it would be a total injustice to try to forget. So as the saying goes "9/11......NEVER FORGET" God Bless America! Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!


Drew said...

Yeah Stephie. I know that Pete (Mel's hubby) and I watched it unfold from the top of our building and we'll surely Never Forget. We went down there 2 weeks to-the-day after it happened and were sickened by the experience. Time just dulls the pain.

melissa said...

A friend of mine went to see the movie (9-11)
I told her how I could not go to see it, since we lived it, waiting to hear from friends and loved ones, who were there-wondering if they'd return home that day...

Stephie Says..... said...

Drew/Melissa, I could not even imagine being any closer than we were with the Logan conncetion and such. Norma and I were talking on the phone that morning before I had to go to work at school and the tv was on mute and it was like we were watching something that was not real. From the TV it was haunting I could only pray for how close you and others all were to it. I really can not bring myself to see the movie too. My sons friends dad was surpose to be the piolet on a flight from Boston that day and called in sick b/c he had the flu. It is just so sureal still to this day. I pray all the time for the dull to set in for these families and for them to be happy. I hope they can get through this all the days of their lives.

Drew said...

Hey Karen/Stephie/Norma (our MA. connection). Nancy and I have a question we'd like to ask via email. My email address is on my photoblog but what the heck..I'll put it here.

So...hopefully you guys can email us when you get a chance. LaterGators!

Karen said...

Steph, thanks for such a poignant and heartfelt post. I was at the gym on a treadmill watching the news that morning and the TV was on mute. We all stopped what we were doing and the manager came over and turned up the sound and none of us could believe what was happening. I rushed home to call Bill and just cried on the phone with him. A boy a went to elementary school with was killed there. He was NYFD. Also a twin who was a star hockey player that grew up in my town was killed on one of the planes.. He was being recruited.. I'm sure everyone was touched in one way or another, and for our NY friends who were so close to it, I'm just sorry that you had to experience it firsthand...I don't think any of us will ever have that sense of ease in our lives anymore, knowing that there are people out there that would just willingly kill us and hate us so much....

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

very nice steph. very sad time that was and still is.

auntie, i was at the gym too (teaching a class) and all the t.v.'s were on and everyone was freaking out. Mark B. was the recruiter for the LA kings...

Drew said...

Patty...I think Stephie said that because your blog states that you are a granny, but are doing really well health-wise (no grays etc.). You need to update that blog, grannysully!

Stephie Says..... said...

OH Pammy.....That is so aweful you were so close to the action....