Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The rich get richer.....

Well the BOGGER won......6 votes to one. I do not have much to say about it. Also Americas Choice vote gave Janelle $25,000. I really wanted Chicken George to get it but Jani gets everything when it comes to America voting for her. Oh well BB allstars is done....Got to move on..........Hope next season is a good one. I look forward to getting to know HG's that have not already seen play.......................That's it .....End of story.............Oh well.....I feel like Eyeor, Pooh Bears friend............OH BOTHER!......Not Brother.....


Drew said...

Need new show ideas? (I'll can tell you what's on our TIVO)

Karen said...


I still haven't watched it because I was doing jr. high school.. but now I almost don't want to because I already know what happened!

grrrrr....I actually would rather have the Booger than Erica.. at least he was honest about being a jerk.. to me, she let down her friend (Danielle)... Boo to the all stars!