Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In a few hours......

the Big Brother winner will be announced............I am waiting on the edge of my chair......I will be back later to VENT on how this played out...........I am going to have BB withdrawals when it ends. I will have the Amazing Race to look forward to but not this years Survivor...no that gets a no go for me.......So Yippie for BB FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Drew said...

Hey...I know this is probably kind of girlie, but have you checked out 3 Moons over Milford? Yeah...I'm in touch with my fem. side for sure. But it's really good.

Karen said...

I've been getting House, season 1 from the library. I really like it..I'm going to watch Survivor, Stef, Jeff Probst says we will be surprised.. I guess if the people on it aren't offended, then I won't be either...Now that they have my curiosity aroused, that is..
I also like Amazing Race.. I haven't seen 3 Moons, what's it about?

Drew said...

3 Moons is about life in this small town in Vermont. A big meteor hit the moon and broke it into 3. So, everyone thinks the world is going to end and the show kind of gets in to how people change when they think life's going to end anyway. It's done pretty well. It's on ABC Family Channel. http://abcfamily.go.com/3moons

We got into House this past season. Love it!

Stephie Says..... said...

Drew that sounds interesting kind of like Windfall.......How money changes even the most solid of marraiges....We LOVE that show!
House, I never got into K...I did see about 10 mins once and did think it was a little bizzare...I am counting the hours till BB!!!!!!

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

i hope your show is good steph...tonight i'm watching the finale of Rockstar Supernova!

Drew said...

I told Nancy a long time ago that a good idea for a book would be about the lives of Lottery winners 5-10 years out.
It always seems tragic, doesn't it? Infidelity, Drugs/Alcohol, deaths...weird.