Saturday, September 02, 2006

A funny Stephie story!

Reading another bloggers post recently about concernts brought up this funny Stephie story. In the comments it was stated by other bloggers that a certain place that the concert took place was a place where the "pot" smell did not linger. Well funny story.............In High School I was a "good girl" and still I had the notion that when the kids went behind Donut Maker (the donut shop acroos from Pope John XXIII H.S. in Everett, MA) they were "smoking cigs". I was put off by that notion alone. Well it took about 4 years after HS to realize it was the wacky tabacky. My good friend Michelle let me know in a conversation about "Corbett" a boy I dated for about 2 months as a Freshman. I wondered why all the Fendi girls(richer types) would ask me where is Corbs. I really really was so nieve that I did really think in was cigs. Reg everyday cigs. That alone made me grossed out so without a doubt I would of never thunk "pot". We go to a Catholic School and I am on SADD (Students against Drunk Driving) and I am on Campus Minisrty. How would ANYONE ever do a thing like that? It is illegal! SO my first POT smelling incedent happen when Micahel and I had our first house in Revere with an inlaw apartment in the Basement. When Nonie(Micahels grandmother who needed a place to rent when she got evicted) God Bless us for taking her in ... left to go to the home we had a renter named Eddie a kid my age at the time (24) that was a boyfriend of a girl M worked with. We thought what a nice Spanish/American kid. (I point out his ethnic backround b/c later in the story you will see what that has to do with him) I was surprised to see that all of his young like myself friends had such expensive nice Beemers and Caddys and Lexus cars. Wow these labor workers do really well for themselves. (Yeah ok little girl) SO on the Friday nights I would waddel in from my Bank job at around 830 pm (bank closed on Friday at 700) all 6 months pregnant with our second baby. (first one tucked in his room /window above Eddies door) yes! I would smell his aweful smelly "Spanish cookin" so as I pull up to the driveway Michael is yelling from our sons window "Eddie 3 strikes your out" "You are out of here at the end of the month" ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ok now I am like Micahel I know this food stinks so bad but we evict him for it?
Well as I get to the door Michael explains how he has been sheltering me from the TRUTH that the smell of the "bad" food,it is POT! AHHHHHHHHHH I start like a bat out of hell down to his apartment. Screaming and yelling how dear you bring that into my house I have a baby on the way and a 2.5 yr old upstairs and the smell is out side his window.......He almost got a slap in the face from me because I was so mad. Well his reponce was "my sister does it and she has kids, whats the big deal?".....OK you just do not know me well engough Eddie b/c I have NEVER IN MY LIFE DONE THAT EVER! He told me I was a lier! I fought for almost an hour about how I was not lying. Well Sorry kid I tought you cooked really bad Spanish food and come to find out you are smoking POT/DEALING in my house! He told us he was going to sue us for evicting him. I was like yeah and what judge was going to be like yes illegal pot is fine to smoke outside the door of your apartment. I am all stressed out typing this let alone when it was happening. So little Miss Stephie was so not with the whole pot thing that she had the notition it was smelly Spanish food.......I hope I got you to laugh and I wish I made this story up but it is the Gods honest truth...Thats the funniest part of the story ...HUH!


Karen said...

Gotta stay away from that "Spanish Cooking" It smells awful!!! Poor Steph.. I can just imagine how mad you were!

I hope Eddie left without any trouble and you never have to smell Spanish Cooking again!!! lol!

Norma said...

You probably should not come over here for dinner on a Saturday...; )

Stephie Says..... said...

Normie.......come on make my heart have an attack..STOP :p
Karen.........funny when he did leave there was a macys box under the stairs and I was cleaning out the apartment and I freaked out when I saw the box thinking he was going to set us up or something and I called M at work and was crying while I flushed it down the bowl. It was a site to see....

melissa said...

sounds like a scene from goodfellas- LOL!

Drew said...

That story is a hoot!
But I could feel the stress rising as your words went from normal plain old text, to italics!
I know that Nancy would've reacted the same way. If something affects our kids, she's like an angry mother bear. You wouldn't like her when she's angry!!!

Stephie Says..... said...

Pmmy b/c we are good girls.....We are inocent...hehehe