Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bear Hugin' and Lovin"

Always be beary friendly..Sharing is the beary best thing a bear can do.......Love your teddy bear.......Give it lots of care.......Bear huggin' and lovin'............................!!!!! We all have some bear qualties in us..........Show your true bear colors............Bears Rule!


Karen said...

My son Billy would absolutely LOVE you! He always tells me how much he loves HUGs!

Drew said...

Hear Hear!
I hug and kiss my fam. like there's no tomorrow.

Dawn said...

We take the kids to BAB for every birthday followed by dinner at Brigham's. How classic is that? My soon-to-be three year olds are already debating which animals they are going to choose for their upcoming birthday celebration!

Stephie Says..... said...

Make sure when you go for a B-day you tell BABW they will give the birthday child a b-day sticker/one song CD and a shake with the b-day bear dressed up near the party area......And they make a big deal to tell others that it is that childs b-day..>At least that is what our store does......Yum YUm Brighams....

Dawn said...

We must have a slacker BAB store because I've never seen the b-day bear dressed by near the party area... We have gotten the sticker but not the CD.