Saturday, February 24, 2007

Your own comfort zone....

Drew posted about his own comforts and the regular happenings that keep him stable. I think we all have some thing or another that we need to be "the same". I know someone who flies by the seat of her pants can go and not make a preplan or let loose without any notice. I however have to have all the planning ect done. I think besides the clean thing I have this need to be early for everything. I find comfort in not having to rush and get worked up b/c of running late. My on time is 15 mins early. On time to me is late. I do this every Saturday eve also. I insist we leave for church at 4:15 even though it starts at 5 and it is 4 mins away. First, I need to get the same seat every time. Second I like to park close to the front to get out fast: though the boys and M are always waiting for me b/c I chat with everyone after so that defetes the purpose. Lastly I would NEVER be the one who walks in as it is taking place. I would just turn red and melt if I did. A fellow parishnah always laughs when we talk about this b/c if her husband were not in the choir then she would be that person running in late. I have to be prepared and have the songs and readings ready, also it is a time to connect with my surroundings and get in a peacful mind frame. I am not the only one who takes the same place every week, it seems like most people do so if they are not late and put somewhere they can fit. We have a wonderful couple that sits behind us and we learnt that they live 3 houses down from us. It took 3 years to figure that out b/c we live far from them even though it is 3 doors down we are spaced out enough that you just don't see people often. I think she noticed us getting the mail and made the conncetion. I gotta run to "get our seats" and be on time. Have a great night, I hope you all do your regular Saturday night rutien......


Drew said...

I can relate, Stephie. There's a line from an excellent book called "A River Runs Through It" by Norman Maclean. The line is:
"There are three things you should never be late for: Church, Work, and Fishing."

Anonymous said...

I can agree with that line for the fishing I can not relate lol maybe Stephie