Friday, February 23, 2007

Get me a tissue ...PLEASE!

Well not to be gross but the nose is a drippin and the eyes are a water'in. I feel fine but the nose won't stop runnin'. I have been ODin on zink, V-c and ecinasha,,,,you know what I mean....I guess that everyone out there has something and now I have it too. I really am not feeling it other than the annoying need to wipe the nose. I have the need to then wash the hands, dry, then rub some Purell. After that I spray the Lysol. Yup can you say jerm-a-phobe....Try not to catch anything...stay healthy!


melissa said...

Hope you get well soon!
My friend just called to say our pampered chef party is cancelled b/c our pamp. chef lady has pinkeye! NO, don't want her in my house...
Don't forget to disinfect the keyboard HEHE

Drew said...

PamperedPinkeye. Ewwwwwwww.

Stephie, at least it's just a cold!

Anonymous said...

I know...I am glad it is just a sniffy cold.....
I have put more rubbing achl. in things that the hospital lol lol
Yeah Mel Keep that pinky gal away till it gets better lol Stephie

Karen said...

Keep Hydrated, Stephie! Drink some nice hot tea.. Aren't you glad we aren't in the days of handkerchiefs? GROSS! Thank goodness for Kleenex!

Hope you feel better and it doesn't turn into anything worse :)

Knock, knock, knock...

Drew said...

For some reason, I like hankerchiefs. Well, at least the concept of hankerchiefs. I guess they're pretty gross when you think about it.

Anonymous said...

Nana T loves her Hankie.....I get so grossed out when she puts in in her pocket...Yuck....She loves the ones with an embroided T and lace around it.....I don't see the concept of blowing snots into a pretty cloth that then has to be put in the laundry....Stephie

Anonymous said...

hey btw.....Cold is almost gone....I think the Zink killed it fast....S