Wednesday, February 14, 2007

They ate the Cheese Nips.....

Am I over the top with being a nervous ninny? I made sure that when I went to the market I got lots of yogurt, pudding and applesauce. I knew if the boys had no school I still would have work. Stephen is a very mature 14 year old and so very resposible, the issue is not that I don't trust him:the issue is I don't want them to chock. We have just recently been letting them stay alone for an hour or so, a trip to the market or some erronds to run in town here. I told them the foods tha tthey can have while I was gone and cheese Nips was not one what I wanted them to have b/c they could chock on the sharp corners. Am I alone on this one? I know they have been eating for many years but you never know, I am a nervous ninny. I gave them the royal breakfast b/c they were home this morn figuring they would be tide over with the 3 snaks of yogurt, applesauce and pudding all very soft slide down without chewing items. The gals at work did think that was extream. One is a mom of a 3 year old and she can understand but also thinks they are older so it would not be a major issue. The coaches wife of Stephens hockey team has 3 boys and does the same thing. I was like wow me too I am so glad I am not alone on this. She is a very nervous ninny. Sometimes she gets so flustered when the boys take a hard check during the game. I flinch but she stands up and mumbles call 911 .......until they get up from the hit...
I was just a little put off that they did not head my cheese nip/cracker warning. They said they were fine so whats the big deal. UGH.........I would be worrying knowing they were eating something with hard edges. I will end this woth I know they have to grow up sometime, but not now later. Also might add I want them to be independent selfsufient boys so I will not do the drastic things some moms are know to do then have their boys turn into needy men....No there will be none of that.........Please don't eat anything except smooth, slide down your mouth stuff.......AGREE???!!!!!


melissa said...

Is it OK if they take really, really tiny bites of the cheese nips? Wait, I know! You could nibble off the corners first. Actually, there's a marketing idea! Cheese circles! (or ovals, whatever the case may be)

What I would worry about is them getting the runs from eating all that yogurt, pudding, and applesauce! Hey, maybe they could dip the cheesenips in the pudding so they slide down easily. I guess that depends what kind of pudding it is. Chocolate would just be weird. Vanilla might work though. Tapioca? I don't even want to go there! (you know, the little round things!)

I'm just messing with you because I am usually super paranoid about that stuff too. Drives Melissa nuts!

Actually, Bella choked twice at dinner tonight. She was trying to see how much spaghetti she could fit in her mouth, which was actually not nearly as disturbing as when she told me she usually uses blueberries!


Anonymous said...

OH NO that is nuts about the blueberries.......
I tought you were being a little funny in the first part of the comment lol
See we are all nervous ninnys.....I am NOT alone.....Stephie

Karen said...

Stephie, my friend, on this one I just have to disagree! I never even thought of choking on cheese nips! The only thing I worry about with choking is steak and mozzarella sticks. Twice Matt has had a wad of cheese stuck down his throat so I make him eat very small bites. When we took Matt to the football banquet I left Billy home (siblings not invited) and he made himself a french bread pizza..yes used the oven! Of course, I had to call and ask if he was alright and if he turned the oven off. I know how much you love those boys, but I wouldn't worry about death from a snack lol, lol, lol :)

Anonymous said...

I am cracking myself up....Death by
I do like Petes thing about round cheese its//or I should of got fishes instead but the cheese nios were on sale and had a coupon lol WOW the oven thing scares me too but I know they got to grow up....Stephie

Anonymous said...

Ok I won't mention that I let 10 yr old boy make pancakes this morning and I wasn't even in the room when he started cooking on the stove!!!!!!!!!
SHHHHHHHHHHH don't tell Pete

melissa said...

That was me, Mel!!!!!!!!1

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

lololol....stephie...i have to agree with Karen....NEVER have I seen anyone choke on a cheesenip, a cheezit, a wheatthin or any other cracker for that matter. lol...they dissolve pretty quick! and your kids aren't like 2 right? lololol......applesauce and yogurt! lolololol....sorry, i'm laughing! one time my mother left me alone with my sister, i was 12 she was 8, i decided to make garlic bread in the toaster oven. well it got caught on fire and i threw it in the sink and the house filled with smoke and my sister ran outside with the dog and was crying that we were gonna die of smoke we were fine, i called my mother at work and she told us to go back in the house and if we needed to we could go to the neighbors or call 911.....of course we didn't need to do that. 12 year olds can handle stuff.

i'd watch out for doritos though...REALLY sharp edges...lolol....jk....

Anonymous said...

Jess,,,,,,,,,,lol lol

Drew said...

I think the sharp cornered cheese nip thing is a bit over the top. 14 is pretty old...either he's in High School, or will be later this year. If all your worried about at this point is cheese nips, you're doing a great job! It's good that your mindful over over-mothering.

melissa said...

Yeah those toaster ovens were deadly,started a few fires w/ those myself!LOL

Unknown said...

I wouldn't be worried either ~ sounds like they can handle it. By that age, after school and before my Mom got home from work, I was making omelettes, baking and having all kinds of other snacks, including things like Doritoes - all while watching General Hospital - Can you imagine? You couldn't pay me to watch that now...

Anonymous said...

IT ALLS COMES DOWN TO THE NERVOUS NINNY THING>>>>I AM A NERVOUS NINNY! Also I want no harm to come to them ........and Nervous Ninny.....Stephie

Anonymous said...

ohh my! And i made fun of you for the microwave thing, just wait until i see you next ill be sure to bring a whole box of cheese nips. Chokeing of cheese nips? i can understand if you dont want them to use the stove when you are gone, but they aren't 2 thay can have some hard How about you teach them what to do if they choked and what to do for other emergancies and then trust the fact that you have taught them well enough to handle these types of things instead of being the snack notzi! hehe! miss you!!

Anonymous said...

OH Pammie.....
I miss you too...U know I teach them lots of things but I also am a worry . Please don;t bring the cheese its you may lol

Amy said...'re so funny...I told you! GOLDFISH! They're all rounded...but seriously, you already know my take on that, and it's silly...I still love ya though :o)