Friday, November 17, 2006


As I was thinking about the movie last night, drinking my juice smoothie at the breakfast bar I went into the "papers drawer" and took out the little Hallmark book Normie got me a few Christmases back. It is titled "Conversations with Remarkable Children on Friendship". It is a little book with really cute drawings of childrens views and comments on friendship. Some are so funny like A friend is someone who tells your mom when you broke your leg going down the slide backwards when you told them not to do it" (good advice huh?) I got to the page of the book I was revisiting and the heart that she put around this comment turned on the water works just like the first time we read it together. A four year old wrote "Having a friend is better than having a sister sometimes"...........A heart was drawn around that quote and Norma wrote some really sweet personal words. Well lets say more water works..........She may not read this post for a few weeks since DSL and the computer may take a while but when you do "girlfriend" RIGHT BACK AT YA.......We may not live close but my heart is always with you and one of the other children quoted said it well "..even if you are not standing by their side, you know they are with you in your heart and soul, not every kid could have a heart friend" Well Normie you are my longest and dearest HEART FRIEND EVER>>>>>I LOVE YOU>>>>>>STAY SAIN! Love your little friend Stephie.......xoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

That is such a great story!