Monday, November 06, 2006

C-Section weirdness! not for the faint and wossie....

As we were folding clothes and ironing this evening the TV was on and we were watching Inside Edition.(I had to look away and block my ears)! Now I had two children one natural (no drugs what so ever) and one an emergency c-section, he came early. I have also watched many TLC Baby Stories to see that when having a c-sec you should not be able to feel them cutting and prying the baby outor be in so much pain you feel that you are "near death". I do however know that a little feeling of pulling is to be felt. Seeing Anna Nicole Smith's homemovie of the birth of her daughter was agony. First you have a women who looked like she was on drugs, not the legal kind and second she claims that the epadoral did not work (Jane please help with the spelling Mrs. Anesthesiologist). OUCH and ewww is all I can say. ANS is known for being a drama queen so is it all an act like her stunts in the past or was she really in awful pain. I would not wish that kind of pain on anyone so I do hope it was all for the cameras. If it was true pain I feel really bad that she had to endure a surgery without proper anesthetics. If not and she was "puttin' on an act" then ugh to her. I wish her well with her new baby and feel so bad about the loss of her son. I hope she can find love with the Howard lawyer guy that I knew all along she was with during her awful reality show. I am and have always been a reality show junkie and watch even the most horrible shows being reality based. So I admit I did watch that show and hated every second of it...I always said she was with Howard I just could tell.........ANS God Bless you and Danni Lynn!


Anonymous said...


Aren't you nice to wish her well!
She's a total freak and I still say her son was the father of the new baby and she offed him with the lawyer's help.
That's my conspiracy theory.

Anonymous said...

holy cow! Nancy said the same thing!!!

btw..nancy's the c-section expert.

Stephie Says..... said...

Collins that would of never crossed my mind...good one !Am I correct Mrs. OBGYN or what? Should a sec not be so dramatic? Yes she is major freaky but you gotta wish the poor kid well with a mom like that...
Nancy please say all 5 births were not if so that is alot of secs....

Norma said...

Wow, good call, Collins!!!

For what it's worth, both my c-sections were a breeze, both during and after...ANS thinks life isn't happening unless there's a camera on her.

Karen said...

Gross, Collins!!! I never thought of that.. That woman is crazy.. Too bad someone else couldn't raise that little baby.. I always wanted a little girl.. I'd do a great job!

Steph, its epidural..and how come you can spell anesthesiologist when that is one of the hardest words to spell!!!!!

I never had a C-section, but they don't look fun. Although a 10 lb 2 ounce little boy wasnt' much fun either!

melissa said...

I had a friend who had an emegency section and the drugs WERE NOT working! She said she felt Everything-maybe ANS did too-or its just drama
I heard somewhere about how much they give-1/2 dose,full dose. I don't know if thats true, maybe she didn't get enough...
I had all 5 regular (no sections,lucky me!) only #4 w/ epidural, which almost resulted in a section-hmmm

Anonymous said...

5-C's!!!! She's da Man!

Stephie Says..... said...

Karen I was thinkin the same thing......I want to raise it too lol
ouch that is a big baby!

Stephie Says..... said...

ouch that is alot of c-secs

Anonymous said...

I had two sections and both times I was worried that I was going to feel it when they started but I didn't... and I was SO relieved!