Thursday, October 26, 2006

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month....

Just a little reminder to sport your "pink". At the workshop the bears are dressed with some pink sashes like the pink swish. I always have one on my car and a little one on the antena. It was taken once but Walmart mostly carries them in the sock area on an endcap. I was honored to bake 3 dozen cookies with pink M & M's and cook up some fudge also w/M & M's. Michaels work lost a wonderful women to this aweful sickness and they are having a bakesale to honor Joanne. In years past they had bake sales and Joanne was an avid baker and helper of many fundraisers. To show that that the bank misses and appreciated all the work she did and gave of herself , even during her treatments the money will be donated to the Susan G. breast cancer fund. Please remember and pray for all the women, men and children that are affected by this. God Bless and may the angels always be with you.