Thursday, October 19, 2006

Have you heard of Acai?

This stuff is GOOD 4 U! About 6 months ago I went in search for it at Wild Harvest to find frozen blocks of it. I was not pleased with the taste when adding it to our Yogurt Smooties at breakfast. It has an intense taste with a chocolate undertone. You would think I would go loopy with the taste of chocolate but it was too dence and lacked umph. SO I found it today in juice form with a choice of passion fruit or mango. I got both and LOVE passion fruit. You have got to try the stuff. It has more anitoxidents than blueberries and is so tasty. It was low in calorie content for the size of the bottle and the carbs or sugs it has is naturally occuring so that is better than processed sug. So give it a try if you can find it........Also Ponoranit Juice is yummy too......(I know I spelt it wrong) .........


Anonymous said...

Hmm..I'll give it a try.
We're pretty much an OJ and CranApple family. Last week though, Nancy picked up a 1/2 gallon of Orangade...made by Tropicana (that's the OJ brand we drink) Anyway...there's no there there.

It's only 5% Juice! What's the other 95%? Water and crapola?!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds interesting, I'll give it a try!

I think the other fruit you are thinking of is pomegranate... I haven't tried the juice because I just can't the $3.99 or whatever it is for a small bottle. Have you ever tried eating a whole pomegranate? We grew on them. They are messy but delicious and worth the mess. Give it a try.

Stephie Says..... said...

Yes Dawn they are fun to eat...slimmy lil balls of stuff lo l
Drew my boys can so tell when it is not true juice and it is a juice drink...can't fool them lol