Saturday, June 24, 2006

What am I doing wrong?

A fellow blogger posted an article about a man who makes $100.-$200. a day being a "commuter helper". The article was about a man who saves people from sitting in traffic in the Bay area of CA. by sitting in the car to use the carpool lane. Why didn't I think of that? This man can earn @72,000 a year under the table mind you to go up and down the highway all day. This world has gone crazy. Why I ask you why? My mind does over time day in and day out of things to do to make a lil more money than the "bear" money. I tell ya bear $ is bearly (no punn inteneded) enough for groceries for the week and maybe a take out dinner on Friday. So why am I spending so much time in the workshop when I could be on 93 out with a sign to drive up and down the road? Well I am sure not too many of our grumpy Bostonians would freely pick up a chatty gal to ride in the car and I am very sure my husband would hit the roof if I were to travel in many strangers cars daily. BUT!!!!! He is all about me bringing in some cash so maybe, just maybe Monday morning I may try to stand outside the Callahan Tunnel with a sign that reads "Need some chit/chat on the way to work and fly in the carpool lane?" So Karen what do ya think...? You do south to north, I do north to lol lol


Karen said...

I'd rather ride with you and chat!

I'll say it again.. it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world...

I like the grumpy bostonians part.. so true.. Most are too busy putting on lipstick, reading the paper, eating breakfast and shaving while driving to actually see where they're driving! I don't miss driving into Boston one iota!

Karen said...

Andy - thanks for the book titles.. I'm going to do some reading on my vaca :)

Stephie Says..... said...

You are correct I LOVE doing that job. I could be silly/lovey/crazy me and get paid for it and have fun. My husband has the book by Ramsey and that is his department lol.....He does the thinking I do the laughing...hehehehe
Thanks for the book titles and I look forward to hearing about Karens vacation reading....