Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Ryan!

So it is almost 4:30pm. Eleven years ago at this time my second angel was being born, about 4+ weeks early. Ryan was a good size baby for being early, 5lbs. 10ozs.. He was so round from being an emergency section from being breech. I remember it like it were yesterday. Stephen came in and said "I am a big brother". We were so proud that he was accepting of the new baby being 2 1/2 and in the toddler stage. He was a little hesitant to go on the bed with me because of the IV but he still hopped up and hugged his new baby and me. He had a big brother shirt on and was proud to sport it for many weeks after the birth. Ryan was a good baby until we got him home and colic set in. He was still a pleasure to have despite the 3 hour crying session from 4-7 every eve. Smack dab in at the dinner hour. Good thing for the den w/a/c to block out the screaming for the neighbors. lol lol lol !!!!!!! So to my creative, funny, smart, clean and caring big kid, Ryan happy eleventh birthday......Mom and dad love you so much.....God Bless!


Norma said...

That's MY godson! I remember getting the phone call when he was just an hour or two old; how exhausted and drained you sounded! He has been a sweet kid since day one (well, maybe you didn't think so when he was colicky...) and I am proud to call him "mine"! : ) Happy Birthday, buddy! Hope it's a lot of fun.

Stephie Says..... said...

oh you are a wonderful Godmother and he is lucky to be "yours"///His request for his B-Day meal was awesome...yum yum he always picks good meals.....

Karen said...

Happy 11 years to Ryan!! C-section babies are always so pretty and have beautiful round faces. Our boys are the exact same amount of years apart.. Billy was 2 1/2 when Matt was born and he seemed like such a big boy.. looking back, he was only a baby. Enjoy your time with your son.. doesn't it go by fast!!!!

p.s. what did he choose for his meal?

Stephie Says..... said...

Yummie....Homemade Chicken,rotini, and broccoli.........He loves to make it with me......Yes they do grow so fast.......Soon we will be posting about High school ahhhhh...

willam said...

aww...your baby shares a b-day with Martha Stewart (convicted criminal), Mike Tyson(convicted criminal), & ME (criminal)!

Stephie Says..... said...

Willam....there seems to be a trend of criminal behavior of people born June 30th....Oh no!