Monday, June 12, 2006

Did you see the hugh thing in the sky? I think they call it the sun!

All hail the sunshine.........Go SUN Go Sun! At last the yellow ball of fire has made an apearence. I could not be happier. Yesterday I vacumed and cleaned the car, It looked very nice and a bit new.......But noooooooo it is not new it is a whopping 4 years old w/@ 50,000 miles on it....And going to school drop off this morn my very observant almost 11 year old said "lower the radio, something sounds weird" so I did I di dnot hear a thing well he said it sounds differnt. He is very observent with things like that. I leave hi and his friend off and at the stop light it starts to grind and bounce and do weird things....Yup Ryan was correct something was "not right"...SO off to the dealer for a new lol No I wish ........I dropped it off to be cked with hopes it is covered under the warranty. If not then new car....yeah once again NOT!........So lets keep the fingers crossed it is not a major problem....Working and pick=ups you need a car...SO I got the truck from the man but have to p/u and drop off him too............What a bummer........We will see......
I leave you with "here comes the sun , here comes the sun...doh doh doh doh " Yippie for the sun......


Karen said...

And, I say, I'ts alright...!

I just wish we could rid of all the creepy catepillars out there muching on my trees and flowers!

Hope your car is fixed with minimal money due! Aren't we all spoiled that we hate being down to one car! :)