Friday, June 23, 2006

Last Day Of School!!!

I am sure we can all recall the glorious day that we had when it was the "last day of school". My younger son has been singing a catchy lil tune all moring long to show his excitment for this wonderous day. I now have it in my head and may be hummin' it also. He really and truly loves school, his binder was filled with papers from this year with great writing and drawing assignments that were taken home yesterday. Lots of A's on these papers, we are so proud. The thing that makes us happy is that he was born early and all the studies show that premature babies are "slower" in development. So it was a tiny bit of worry in the back of our minds. Well by the looks of it he as they saw "caught up"...Glad to report........So go forth today and have a catchy tune of "Last day of schooooolllllllll, it is sooooo coooooolllllll!!!!! Don't have to go baaaack yippie no schooooolllllll........................" Have a Furbulous Friday as we say in the land of Build-A-Bears....................Bear Huggin' and Lovin' xoxoxoxo


Karen said...

Yay.. summer has officially started for your boys! You must be so proud! I hate it when doctor's pigeon-hole kids into a certain category and make the parents all nervous. I'm sure your love and parenting skills attribute to his catching up and making As! Hope they have a fun summer..