Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Nothing......but confusion

Take a look at the you tube videos....It seems weird as it should since it is about a disease that Nana Theresa battles everyday.There are no answers to this sickness it just takes the ones you love and spits them back to you dark and empty, full of viod and confusion. I swear it would be easier to loose your psychical being over your mental. She has gone down hill and when we go to see her she struggles and states that she just can't .....then nothing...we listen with such intentness to see what she has to say and then she is lost in a seconds time. She is so frail but still so sweet when she looks at you. Before we left her she said she is really looking forward to getting out of here.....As we were walking I stopped and looked at Michael and said do you think she means HERE or on earth? He said he does not know. I really think she can feel herself that she is not going to be around that much longer. We have lost so much of her. For a while I could leave there without puddles of tears but these days they are back because you just don't know if that is the last time you may see her. She says with so much emotion I love you so much you are all so beautiful when we leave and I loose a piece of me every time I hear that. It should be the opposite that I value those words but it stings like a knife to know her mind is empty for so many hours of the day. I hold her so dear to my heart........I may not always be by her beside but I have her close to me all hours of the day. I just wish this did not have to be this way.


Norma said...

Oh my poor Stephie and my poor Nana T...I am fortunate, in a way, that I haven't seen her in so many years and I still know her only as that feisty but sweet grandma who would have done anything for you. It's so cruel to lose her in this way and never know what she is really thinking or feeling. I know I can't say anything to make it easier but I'm sending you a big hug and also a bunch of anger toward those who should be helping you but instead leave you holding the bag.

Stephie Says..... said...


I know so is life....

Anonymous said...

we know this too well. My Nana is in the late stages and just broke her hip. She didn't understand to stay off of it so she had to have surgery.
Now she may be going to hospice...
You are in my prayers

Stephie Says..... said...

I am so sorry about ur Nana....
Thanks for the love/prayers...u also in mine...xoxoxo So sad...

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you too!

Kristin said...

"Whether a person is physically in front of you or not, the love remains" ~
I will say a little prayer for your Nana.
Love ya.

Stephie Says..... said...

{{{{{thanks chicka xooxoxoxo}}}}}}