Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's not THAT easy!

Made the once a year trip to Staples for back to school stuff. Yeah they make it look so great on the TV. The most wonderful time of the year my foot. Mobs of parents all doing the same thing, trying to get in and out asap. All in the same sections needing almost the same items. It is similar to Christmas shopping at the mall. Stephen needed many binders for his work and they are expensive but the cheaper ones are not in front you have to navigate to really find some that are not tons of cash. Got a deal, if you buy eight 1 inch binders they are $.25 each but if you buy one to seven of them they are $.99 each. Ah I think we will take eight. We needed 3 but hey for that price it was cheaper to take all eight in the long run and Ry could always use them at some point. We got our stuff and scrammed. I got really lucky that the Cust. Serv. desk boy said I'll take you here and I did not have to wait in the 8 people deep line with 2 registers open. I thanked the eager boy and just HAD to press the button on the counter. I am sure he gets that all day. I know I shouldn't of but I could not hold back.


Jennifer said...

o my! is that jordan sparks on your blog?????????? do u have a fever or are you done meditating??

Dawn said...

I still have to do my shopping! Hopefully today!