Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big Borther 10...swing vote Dan

As of last night (Tues) This kid is just stirin up the entire house. He stayed so under the radar for so long and now is out in full force. He is a HS teacher and has a lot of really good statagies to play these people against eachother. I could see how he uses his head to think of smart ways to make things look like they really are not what they seem. I must say he is now a risk taker and I give him kudos. He is really steppin up his game. GO DAN!

He threw all the compititions in the past to look "weak" but is not, far from it. Being a teacher he really knows how to make things look differntly than what they are. Money CAN NOT buy everything in life and tonights show proved that....C YA glad that Dan does the things he does and won POV when it was most needed. LOVE THIS GAME........


Katie said...

I love this post...Dan cracks me up~ I love the motivational speeches way back when, I love how he is to Renny. He just seems so down to earth and a real funny, good guy. He is my winner or Renny if not him.

It's just starting to get good.