Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tag .....I'm IT!

Ok now like Normie I could go on and on and ON with quircky things about me......Here goes...
The #1.........I am obsessed with my TEETH! I pre-rinse, brush, floss 3 x's post then floride rinse one last time. That is twice a day. As for the other 2x's I brush: I just brush, floss and rinse. It drives Michael and the kids insain......Then I will randomly floss during the day and I carry around the finger brushers and mouth spray as well as a travel toothbrush and small paste. Also in the car and my bag are flosses.

#2....I have to fix things that are not centered or streight. Everything has its place and a place for everything. I am anal and I admit it.....I have to keep things new and clean all the time. Once last week we had workers here and I cleaned the bathroom at least 4 times that day then again when they left AGAIN......Even in work I am a cleanaholic ...they all know this.....

#3....I spell something aweful (as you have seen) It does not bother me would think it would but it does not. I think it bothers others more b/c they know I have some inteligence and do not make the extra effort to look twice and double ck. Half the time if I do take a look I may still spell the word incorrectly.

#4....I AM A GERMAPOBE! I have to use antibacterical soap/spray/cleaner/hand lotion ect...I love to kill germs......

#5....I have to readjust myself like 4 - 6 times before I get comfortable in bed. I am so sure it drives Michael CRAZY> Not so much these days b/c of the wonderful recomendation from Jim and Norma to get the memory foam mattress. We are on our 5 th night with it and it is so wonderful. I still have to toss and turn to get comfortable but the motionless efeect helps not bounce M........

#6....I can not have not a bit of light at night. I have to pull out all the sensor night lights or close the hall bathroom door. I have to cover the little light on the phone and the clock radio has to have something covering it. I also have to ck like 4 times that the time is set for wake up. I set it in the morning but ck before I brush teeth, then again. I will get comfortable then ck again. Just to be safe...Yup OCD! I do not find this needs medical attention it does not bother me in any way it is just a quircky thing I have. Same things with the doors and locks and alarm.......I gues that makes 6 I could go on but I do not want you to see my in a crazier light than you already do....LOL LOL LOL ..............


Norma said...

you know what would be fun? If *I* named 6 weird things about Stephie... ; ) Normie

Anonymous said...

Hey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOO!!!!

Karen said...

Heee hee... At least your obsessions are good for you! Clean teeth, clean toilets, clean house! Who cares about the spelling as long as you get the meaning, right?

And Norm, that would be pretty funny. After I did this I asked my kids and my husband and they had me laughing out loud at some of the ones I forgot about. It's good to be weird!

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

i would have to agree with you stephie....sounds like OCD to me! lol!!!!!! but like karen said at least you have good breath and a clean house!

Andy said...

Stephie - SORRY - IT'S THE I.T. HELP DESK TECHNICIAN IN ME SPEAKING NOW! You know you could click the little spell check checkmark before you submit a post - it's right next to the picture upload button on the top of the text box you type your post into. It doesn't have all the words in there but it could correct a few - I am a horrible speller myself - that little button has saved me more than a few times.

I know you said it doesn't bother you - but just in case, it's there if you feel the need :)