Thursday, January 25, 2007

The party went well....

What a hoot......the 7 gals doubled ...yes 14 was the final count.....By the way it was her 75th b-day. They had so much positive energy! I loved them........The party girls daughter had the party for her and said her limit was 10 friends well she brought more than that. Kind of like the tables were turned and the daughter was like MOM I said ten is your lol lol There were so many personalities to deal with and they were so funny when I did my "stuff"//// I was so happy to be their party leaded. They even asked if I could go to lunch with I had to stay and build more bears. It was so nice to be asked. I was told they were asked not to come back to a resturant b/c they were so loud once. Wow! These girls really know how to party.....As I was getting to know them I had the notion of who they would be when "we" grow older. I could relate to who was who in the croud of gals I know. At one point I asked if they go on any day trips...LOL LOL Well they have been on more than just day trips....China, Japan, Iceland and Indonisia to name a few....HELLO! I mean maybe a play or movie....HELLO! Three out of the 14 had their spouses still. Funny those were the 3 that were not over the top and very refined,,,lol See what age and no husband will do to ya they said lol Ruth said "you get to let it all hang out and she mean Hang b/c that is what happens at that age it all HANGS" lol lol I was so happy to hear that they had a ton of fun and barrels of fluff LOL ..........Just wanted to fill you all in on the BABW party ....See you don't have to be a kid to have FUN!.........Bear Huggin' and Lovin'


Dawn said...

Good times, good times. Sounds like a fun day at work!

Drew said...

I hope I get to be a happy old guy. I feel happy here's hoping!
Don't you guys think if you're cranky when you're young, you'll probably be cranky when you're old?

The trick is...find something good about the situation you're in. I saw a nice little painting once. It said: Bloom where you're planted.

I'm a big nerd!

Paige said...

What fun! Red Hatters (and Pink Hatters LOL) are lots of fun to be with.

Anonymous said...

OH Pink Hatters I get it PH club....CUTE~ No Drew it is true and it is ok to be a nerd NERDS RULE>>>>AND ARE COOL>>>>>Now who is the nerd lol lol Stephie

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

sounds like a blast stephie! did they have cake and icecream there too?

Norma said...

You are loved by old and young alike.

Karen said...

I want to be that way when I'm old!!! Stephie you are so lucky that you have a blast at your job!!!

Drew, Nerds rule! I always tell my kids when they complain about anything to look at Bill Gates. Total nerd in HS, now the richest man and married to a beautiful woman and doing philanthropic work!!! Nerds make the bestest husbands and friends! I'm a nerd too!

Norma said...

Stephie, I "tagged" you to play a game...go check my blog. Normie