Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Early to bed.....

Early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise........Ok I am going to bed early tonight to get up for another early truck unloading with my pal Amy at BABW! Even though it is work it is like going to the gym to get a workout. I like the extra activity it puts in my day while getting paid to do it. At 500am the world is so peaceful and quiet. I drive along listening to my soothing music and have time to reflect and not be in a rat race rush. I wish every day the drive to work was this serine. Good night to all and sweet dreams to you. Hope the night brings a fresh new start to a brand new day................Yawn,,,,,,,so sleepy.........


Karen said...

Hope you got a good workout! I couldn't get out of bed today.. it was just so warm and comfy in there. I slept til 6:30 and it felt like a treat!

Anonymous said...

I fell so hard this morn but cought myself. I wanted to cry but laughed instaed b/c 2 security guards were there and Amy. I was so embaressed and did not want to have them see me cry. I hate to take anything but I just took a big Motrin dose b/c I HURT! It is good to get the workout of lifting the heavy boxes. Stephie

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

oh my Goodness steph! you fell?! you poor thing....reminds me of a time i fell in the corridor of school when i was a freshman and it KILLED and these two senior boys were laughing hysterically at me and i got up and pretended it was no big deal....falling stinks! and so does waking up at the crack of dawn, but hey, that's just my opinion...hehehe

Dawn said...

Glad you got a good workout... wished I loved the mornings as much as you. Are you feeling better?

Dawn said...

Glad you got a good workout... wished I loved the mornings as much as you. Are you feeling better?

Anonymous said...

I am having real bad pain in my arm and leg but with hopes of a sleep it may clear up. Lets see how my party with 8 three year olds goes tom at the opening of the store........I just hope I can do the bunny hop to the stuffer for this party...UGH.....
Jess that is harsh in HS.....Everything is a big deal in HS......Stephie

Drew said...

You okay, Stephie?

Karen said...

Poor Steph..I hope you feel better today. Keep taking those Motrin every 4-6 for swelling and try to rest. Thinking about you and hoping you're ok :)

Anonymous said...

You fell? Wow, that's so never do that! ; ) N

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

just checkin in on, ice, ice and you can have your hubby do some light massaging over the bruises (if there are any) strokes should be towards the heart and not deep. Stretching and range of motion will help too....and a warm epsolm salt bath before bed will really help with soreness.

Karen said...

Steph, we are worried about you!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is 10:21 on Friday night and I am still in pain. Work was not that bad but after a day of being on the feet I am hurting.
Jess...Michael asked to rub my arm last night and I tought that was so nice but told him please no b/c it hurt to the touch. The Motrin works a bit. Bit the throb is still on my leg and arm. I hate trying to lift up into the truck and my resort to taking my car this weekend instead of M driving the the p/u....Thanks so much for caring and I ran out of epsom salt but I LOVE THAT STUFF! I will get more tom.....Love that stuff so much it really works.....U are all so kind to care....Stephie

Anonymous said...

It is 10:21 on Friday night and I am still in pain. Work was not that bad but after a day of being on the feet I am hurting.
Jess...Michael asked to rub my arm last night and I tought that was so nice but told him please no b/c it hurt to the touch. The Motrin works a bit. Bit the throb is still on my leg and arm. I hate trying to lift up into the truck and my resort to taking my car this weekend instead of M driving the the p/u....Thanks so much for caring and I ran out of epsom salt but I LOVE THAT STUFF! I will get more tom.....Love that stuff so much it really works.....U are all so kind to care....Stephie

Karen said...

Hope you are resting today. It's awful to be in pain :( You must have really bruised yourself. That stinks...Hope its better with rest and some TLC.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish I could rest...No time to rest......I am not as creaky today a bit better and the Epsome Salts are the best....S

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

oh good steph, i'm glad you're into the epsolm salt. just ask bodybuilders world wide how they deal with soreness!

Karen said...

I didn't know about these epsom salts, did I? Do you just take a bath with it?

Anonymous said...

You can give them to plants to make plants grow strong...You can drink it as a natural laxitive...I do not recomend that one.....
They help so much ...It is recomended to take a bath 3x's a week in it but I do not have that much time to take baths.....I do soak my tootsies in it....Stephie