Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bloggers on the news!!!!!!!!!

I just watched a segment about Blogs....The women who created "Web Log" turn "Blog" was being interviewd on CBS (4). I found it interesting what they had to say. Did any fellow bloggers see it? It was fun to see the broad spectrum of what people blog about. I have surfed to see others than the circle Normie "stated" and it is a bit mundane but a little funny to read into the lives of others. Without Normie as the starter we would of not been introed into BLOG WORLD! So thanks for reading and commenting. Even if you read without a comment it is still fun to read and blog away the day........(Not the entire day, because then you will not have much of a life) lol lol lol .........Happy Blogin'


Karen said...

I didn't catch it, but I wish I did. It is fun to blog.. kind of like keeping a diary when you were little (only you write stuff that you wouldn't be too embarrassed for someone to read!)

Thanks Norma for starting our circle!

Norma said...

You are far too kind...

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

I don't even know Norma but....thanks for getting my auntie K into sure saves on the phone bill...we've been known to have 3 hour long conversations about nothing :)