Friday, May 11, 2007


WHAT! Is the word I screamed when Stephen came home and told me his Spanish average so far this tri-mester is a 50%! This boy has NEVER gotten a bad grade before. He, I was told by Senorita Myal is not even trying. Now I am reasonable and I am not an orgar I would be so compassionate if he truly were struggling. Wait she said he does not get it as fast as she would like but he also threw in the towel....Well kiddo here is the towel all wrapped around you now. I am off to drive him early to school to re-do a quiz. He also has to "re-do" 11 yes 11 homework papers b/c of the lack of effort he put into them. He should be so greatful she is letting him "re-do" or that would put a really bad mark on his report card. His acceptance into the HS that he applied to is based on the marks he gets from the last tri-mester. He got the letter saying we would love to have you as a student in the fall based on keeping your grades up. I guess it is like the old saying you are not in until you are truly in.....What old saying that is, I am not sure but it sounds good......So for the next 29 days or so he will be going early and staying late to remedy this problem. He before you know it he may be the best Spanish speaking eight grader there is....I am not gonna push it that'
so far this weekend, well Friday nigth Stephen has done half of what is owed. Michael looked at his work despite the fact he took French in HS/College and I was the one who took Spanish. lol.....He was at it all afternoon. I tell you I have the butt nipper and I nipped it in the butt...Hypotetically speaking.....I don't really nip butts but I nip things in the butt........I will keep posted how and where the mark goes from here till moving on day at school. They call it moving on...Not eight grade gradusation like when I was in school.....oh well...moving on....


Norma said...

Remember that Brady Bunch episode where Greg was getting bad grades and it was because he was daydreaming in class all day because he had a huge crush on his pretty teacher, "Linda"???? Remember that? Huh?

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ......I did ask if she were young and pretty b/c she sounded it on the phone...He looked at me like I had 3 heads....Stephie

Karen said...

Poor kid.. He just must hate spanish! But you are doing the right thing same as I would be doing. I always say that school is their job and it is the most inportant! Anyway, how bout Don't count your chickens before they are hatched? That's a good one...Or it aint over til the Fat Lady Sings? If at first you don't succeed, try try again.. there's a zillion! Good luck stephen..Mui bien!