Saturday, April 28, 2007

Towel Oragami!

These are 4 of the five towel animals that were in our stateroom at night before bed. Missing is the hanging monkey...He was the best one but Ry used it before we could take the picture. He took it apart and used it for his shower. I felt so bad for monkey. He was so funny hanging from the pull out bed. Top pic snake/next lobstah/then swan and last puppy w/ Michaels glasses.....
They sold a book on how to do it and I think I have seen a class (no lie) in the North Shore Com College book that is sent out in the fall/spring. I wanted to share b/c I tought they were just the cutest things to come home to after a long day of activities. Not to mention the ever so sweet chocolates on your pillows...Yum I could get used to ........


anonymous blogging woman..... said...

that is so cute!!!!!! i saw on the travel channel how they do that one time, kind of like making balloon animals.

Anonymous said...

Oh how cool is that?!?! Love it. The monkey sounds great too. Don't you just love the little special touches?


Karen said...

I love those! The lobster is so cool.. I never saw that one before. Billy was just like you and took pictures of all the creatures!

Drew said...

Once we stayed at the Hyatt in San Francisco. I tried, but the desk clerk wouldn't give us a 'family discount'. But I do have the Hyatt Do Not Disturb sign on my office wall.
How you like me now, SanFran Hyatt??!!!!!!