Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Am I blue?

Or should I say will I turn blue? lol I eat lots of berries but mostly blueberries. I had a dream last night that like in the original Wonka movie I was blue. I did not blow up like she did but I was the color blue. In the dream the backround was also blue but people were not just me. I was scared to go to work but continued to eat the blueberries. lol .....They are great for the skin and the body. With tons of antioxidents and they help free radicals they are a SUPERFOOD. They taste great fresh or forzen and are so low in cals. I must say they are not cheep but the better the food is for you the more it will cost. Junk is cheep b/c it does nothing but bad so pop some blueberries for a delish treat./////And I hope I stay this color and not turn lol


Katie said...



i love that scene from willy wonka!
violet beauregard!

Dawn said...

I love blueberries!!! Too funny about the dream...

Kristin said...

Blueberries are so good and so good for you, mucho antioxidants!
I miss you, lookin forward to us gals all gettin together soon!