Monday, September 10, 2007

Never Forget........

9-11-2001 A day we will never forget. I am sure you can all place where and what you were doing on this aweful day. I will keep it short, Pray for the soliders who are STILL fighting to protect us. Pray for the families of the souls lost on this terrible day. Pray, hug and give thanks for the loved ones we are still able to be with on this earth. Peace and prayers to all of you.....Cherish your days for we are blessed to have them.......


Karen said...

I was in the gym on an elliptical machine with my head phones on watching.. the news had broken in with the live report and showed the second plane crashing into the tower.. everyone took off their headphones, the manager turned up all the volume and I went home and called my husband crying.. I wanted my kids home from school.. I called my parents.. It was devastating. We all prayed...
I'm sure this was a terrible day for Drew and his friends and family living so close... What a horrible thing for these people to do to us...

Anonymous said...

I was on the road working - I had a 2 hour drive ahead with a lot of time to think. The range of emotions went from shock to fear to outright rage. How dare they do something so dispicable! I pray for the families of the victims - they will never be forgotten and hopefully their deaths won't be in vain.

Dawn said...

I was on my way to the hospital for a Mommy and Baby exercise class. I was listening to the news and looking overhead and noticing that they were NO airplanes around, everything seemed to be silent. It wasn't until I was in the hospital cafeteria that it really sunk it what had actually happened.