Saturday, February 07, 2009

I got crack a lackin.....

I am cracka lackin from
I live: on a steep hill but love our house. just not the hill. I would LIVE in Maui or some place warm if M and the boys would move.
I work: but have much fun entertaing and creating memories that last a lifetime.
I smell: of garlic....ewww b/c I made lots of food todya with chopped garlic. lol
I listen: when people talk b/c I can not stand whne people only have seem to listen or care.
I hide: my weight loss journal even though the men in the house know what I weigh and what I weighed but still it is not out in the open.
I walk: fast, even befoe I lost weight. I am speedy walker,I dislike being behind someone who walks too slow for my liking.
I write: to express my feelings.
I see: with my glasses on or my contacts but I need new ones all of my others are gross.
I sing: aweful in Mass but still do it b/c singing praise is prayer with song. I know my kids are
I can: cook and bake my days away and be happy as a clam...though I do not like JK
I watch: a lot of hockey and Lax in the spring but so don't mind b/c it is for my sons.
I daydream: before I fall to sleep to get to sleep.
I want: to live in Hawaii.......
I cry: for people who are suffering
I read: when I have too.
I love: my sons and husband and feel blessed to be loved.
I rode: to Florida and MB South Carolina in a mini van and was much happier than flying, I also took Amtrack for 36 hours once home from FL...M said NEVER so I take planes but HATE it.
I sometimes: get OCD about things...ok no that is not true
I fear: that this country could be hit again by terrorists
I hope: that my boys are happy and healthy always
I eat: tons of foods from the land....healthy
I drink: only water
I play: Wii is so cool
I miss: Nana T being around like she used to be. She doesnt knwo anymore. IT IS SO SAD : (
I forgive: but I have to work on forget part. I try but I am ITALIAN
I drive: so very carfully, I have my CDL but no longer use it...with age comes fear I guess.
I lost: 128 lbs so far...MORE TO GO? OH YEAH THERE IS!
I dream: of a world of Peace.
I kiss: my hunny b/c he has great lips.
I hug: so tight I love those boys
I have: the urge to clean....cook and bake often,
I remember: the smallest of details when it comes to things.
I don't: drink or no b/c Paula (my mother) did enough of that for a bunch of people
I believe: in Faith, Hope and Love the greatest of these Love...the greatest gift given by God Our Father
I owe: my health to the team at Salem Heart and Wellness
I know: I WILL walk and help contribute to the end of Breat Cancer, it will not beat us WE will beat it.
I hate: when pople spoonge off others.
I wish: the world were a more peacful place.
I wear: clothes that are way too big but I have been doing better these days with that issue
Maybe I should: move to a warm place but can't.
People would say that I'm: a person who really cares..I hope....or OCD with
I don't understand: why the world has to be so aweful in a way.
My past is: what made me the person I am today.. I DID OVERCOME AND WILL COME OUT VICTORIUOSLLY!
I get annoyed when: Snow comes
Parties are: when I cook up a storm and feed others.
Tomorrow: is Sunday, I love Sunday........I will be taking the first of many training walks.
Never in my life have I: smoked a cigg or pot....not EVER and will NEVER
When I was younger I: worked lots to make cash to do things that were not afforable.
When I'm nervous: I have t odeep breath or I will go nuts.
My life is not complete without: love from the boys and Micahel
If you visit my hometown: you would see it changed so much but if you visit my hometown now as an adult you will see it is a great subrub saught after and with the BEST Ice Cream GO RICHARDSONS.....
The world could do without: peole who commit hanis crimes
If I ever go back to school:I would want to study exercise phisiolgy and then learn how to spell it...LOL LOL LMAOF I crack me up...I hope I do u too...LOL LOL LOL
And, by the way: You know the drill...get crack-a-lackin'!

Feel free to get crack a lackin yourself....


Paige said...

Great job Stephie! I'll put my list on my FB :-)