Sunday, July 08, 2007

Found this pic from when Stephen was going into 5th grade, day camp not over night.....He is in the middle row
3rd in.....

Counting down the minutes until we drive Stephen to CHC.......Yes it is that time again. It is bitter sweet b/c I know how much he gets out of it and loves it but we miss him so much every year. This will be his fourth year at Christain Hockey Camp. Next year he will start training as a Jr. Counc. and someday donate back his time as a fill fledge one. He enjoys the many things he learns there and comes home more mature in faith and hockey every year. He got 7 boys from his team to go this year. I was thinking of a discount for so many referals but I guess Tick tock goes the clock and I am holding back the tears. I have been giving extra hugs for him to have for the week. A camping he will go.........


Anonymous said...

Well he is there....M took the long way so we could have more laughs in the car....So on the ride home after we went to Lowes I said I already miss him and Ry said it hasn't even been 90 mins AND he has stayed at friends houses longer than that...LOL That kid is so funny......

Paige said...

Awww I'm sure he's going to miss you all too. I hope he has a great time though and that you'll stay busy while he's gone so the time will pass quickly. Hugs to all of you!

Karen said...

I know that feeling, Stephanie.. but what a great time he will have, especially with 7 friends going with him. He's a lucky kid!

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

i used to love going to sports camp! especially hockey camp...i don't miss the aroma of ripened hockey equipment though! lol.....he's gonna be a college superstar soon, so enjoy these years while they last!!!!!!!

Karen said...

Such a cute picture. I bet it kills you to see how much he has grown up since then!