Thursday, July 14, 2011

Some basic 3 day rules to live by.......

♫WHO ARE THE PEOPLE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?♫ or ♫Won't you be my neighbor♫ come to mind when thinking of the sea of pink tents that will be our weekend home for our 3 day campfest! To be respectful....rule one:when going into and out of a port a pot (yay) hold the gosh darn door....those things slam like you can't understand...the noise of doors banging any time of day let alone in the dark early morn hours is just not nice....HOLD THAT DOOR! Rule two:flip flops are great but when camp is dark and quiet after all the dancing and giggles lay to rest DO NOT walk to those port a pots with flip flops...they make that flip flop noise and you can hear them in the distance too. Just a lil heads up on the RULES OF BEING A GOOD 3 DAY TENT NEIGHBOR! Hey and we ALL know this SUNSHINE STEPHIE LOVES to follow rules...AND would never want to be "camoing" in a tent unless it is on the 3day in a PINK one! :D SEE YOU ALL SOON NEIGHBORS!