Friday, July 01, 2011

an 18 year olds appetite!

The son just got in and is requesting oatmeal! at 10:30 at night he is like I have been wanting oatmeal. So we have some instant packs BUT he dislikes the flavors so right now in an attempt to teach him not just make it for him as I type the slow cook oatmeal is on the stove. I have just enough brown sugar to add for taste and lots of cinnamon. I said you HAVE to stay near the stove to stir /c we ll know how slow oatmeal can get when not he stands there he now gets 2 slices of bread and adds a dab of pb. He just can't wait for the oats to be done! I say it is 10:30 you nuts? funny the bread is oatmeal fiber one bread...he is gonna get tons o fiber at the late night hour...All I know is he better drink some water to make sure ALL this fibah processes!!!!!!! oh the appetite of an 18 year old!!!!!!!