Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I have a pasta pan

and you're reading saying BIG WOOP! lol Ok here is why MY pasta pan means so much to me! First when I use it it brings me back to another place and time! No not EPCOT Italy lol lol but to the last day of the school year back when I was an Aide at FM School. The awesome class I was in helping Mrs. Lorden, (I swear a teacher who just knew her stuff blindfold and gave her all) that was the last class I was in. Those lil ones who I still think are lil ones are now heading to Masco for the 7th grade. We are talking Kindergartners here. My my the time has flown! On the last day the wonderful parents all pitched in and gave Mrs. L, Mrs. D and myself gift cards to Home Goods. I was in my glory! It was so very sweet of them since I was really more so a one on one but when a one on one you really make it look like you service the entire class. And you really do try to since me being who I am want to help any and all that I can without neglecting the one I have to focus on. Trust me I know how ot work a classroom with a lead teacher. :D So back to the pasta pan. Funny how that day at Home Goods I see a mom of one of the students and thank her immensely for the classes gift and thinking of me. As I am there I realize that this really expensive marked down pasta pan is exactly what I need. So I get it. So for the past 6 years it has got many uses. Each and every time I clean it it brings me back to a time and place. I think of the class all set up and the students at the tables. I recall the reading circle we would sit in, the cubbies I would fill with stamped and sticker ed papers and the :D's of the lil ones. I loved what I did everyday with them. I loved the one on one that I was responsible for. I saw a picture of her at the 6th grade graduation and was floored and teary eyed at how far she has come. I also have this cute handmade gift from her personally that I will cherish always. It is a fabric lunch bag that was made to look like a snowman that I got for Christmas. She is healthy and thriving now no longer sick with disease. That right there makes me smile BIG :D! So there are items in your life that take you back to that time and place that you can't help but have a smile when you recall the events. It is not the pan itself that I cherish it is the nice gesture and thinking of how loved I felt that they the class and parents said oh lets include Mrs. R in the class gift. I keep in my heart another particular gal from that class and I get to see her every now and again. A long time friends daughter who I have had the privileged to see grow up. She is a beautiful young gal who smile still reminds me of her K days. I remember the smile on her face when I she spoke of her uncle with such pride and I said I know your uncle. She was so happy to know I knew her family. We connected and still to this day I feel blessed to have had the year with her in that class. I had other students who mean a lot ot me during the time at FM but this class this last class, kind of like your lsat day of school almost like a graduation and moving on mean so much to me and stay close to my heart. Off to wash that pan again since I boiled many many dozens of egg in it this eve for the Lawrence Food Pantry. The house may not smell to great with all this egg salad but many mouths are gonna be fed and my mind went back to the lil chairs in Mrs. Lordens class again tonight. xoxoxo Love to Miss Victoria and Miss Hannah! <3