Sunday, July 31, 2011

Am I in the "RED".....I sure hope sooooo!!!!!!!!

I guess I will find out tomorrow eve if my red blood count went up. It sure better have. After getting an all day "needed" blood transfusion Friday at Bev. Hospital DEMANDED by the head doctor at my PCP practice after seeing that my count was under 3, so low she said she wanted to admit me to the hospital but there were no beds so I was lucky to be at the "day care" unit area. I listened to her and rested ALL day yesterday, I am not allowed to do 5 days of cardio! AHHHHHHH to that...Hey she never said light weight lifting now did she! Also the doc, lab and unit nurses could not even believe I was functioning and had the energy I had with numbers that low. I said "WHEATGRASS" lol lol ......Really the frantic call on Thursday from the doc made me look at the phone and ask do you have the correct person. I am not out of breath, she claims when I exercise I should be short of breath, or walk up stairs do I pant...AHHH NOOOOO I lost lots of LBs....Really doc I no longer pant. So she said I am demanding you to this, this is a stroke waiting to happen since the red blood count is so low and the o2 needs to flow ot the heart and brain. Well I listen to the docs and do what they say! I felt so lazy and ick yesterday due to the fact that I HAD to rest and stay in bed or more so not do anything. I still did some stuff not a lot of effort was needed but had the need to do something. I am off to do some things today, still gonna take it easy b/c I LISTEN> Told to stay out of the that is funny ...considering it is so beautiful and sunny today as it was yesterday BUT I DID! Looking forward to knowing what the numbers went up to. Have consumed every possible iron rich food the past 2 days with hopes that also helps...I ALWAYS eat iron rich foods...non meat ones so I am like wth ...absorb already! Off to get some liquid iron that makes my skin crawl...but once again ..when the docs say to do it ...who does it??? YUP ME! I LISTEN! have a great day...hope your "reds" are deep, dark and full of sh*t...opps I mean IRON! LOL LOL xoxooxox


Mcseknitter said...

You need to learn to knit for those down time!!!!!

Stephie Says..... said...

good one Eileen! lol

Priscilla said...

you better be resting chickadee... nice to know you listen to someone! (lol just kidding).. xoxo