Tuesday, June 21, 2011

who does the casting for these commercials????? NUTELLA!

Say the Nutella commercial this morn while getting ready.....WHAT>???WHo did the casting for that commercial? OK I will hear from people who will say don't stereotype: I am really just being a bit funny here with the notion that when I grew up ONLY the Italian kids even knew what Nutella was! The staple; Italian type peanut butter equivalent! SO why is the mom blond? the kids blue eyes and blond? WHAT! Where are the olive oil skin kids with dark hair and eyes...the mom with her Italian looking persona? I need the number of the casting director...REDO! there are plenty of families I could see cast on that commercial! Then it would be a true replication of the product! Now now don't all get mad taht I am saying this I am really kidding but there is a lil bit of truth to it too!!!!