Sunday, June 14, 2009

Water Walkers

not a fashion wearing the dark green windbreaker that I could pull out of the closet in the dark this morn and old eye glasses and a hat to cover the messed up hair....Not a fashion
This morning at 630am on the dot in the pouring rain 6 brave Pink Angels headed out for our ussual Sunday Morning 15 mile walk. We always seem to have lots and lots of people but today 6 brave NON WOOSSIES! lol Peter a guy who was redignosed last month walked even though on Thursday he had some aggresive experimental chemo. U GO PETER! We ended at 12:30 with a small 15 min snack break of my Homemade Raw Vegan Treats. I am happy to report that Peter knows and goes to Sol Bean for his shots of Wheatgrass and does an 85% raw diet to go hand in hand with his other treatment and says he really thinks it makes a hugh differnce in his recovery and I do not doub that. I am goin to help out Friday night for his Relay For Life fight...he will be walking non stop from 3pm Friday to 3pm long as in his name or sponsrship walking takes place in that 24 hour period. So when he gets tired others are there to help with his walk. His family is a hugh Irish clan and there are many there to support his 24 hour walk but he is determined to do 12 of it on his own. A former Marine of the Gulf War that has a heart of gold and passion the size of the world. He also has a goal to do EVERY 3 Day around the country and has lots of financial support from companies he did work for when he owned his own landscaping design buisness. GO PETER! So as I hear the rain falling so fast and hard laying in my bed not for one second did I think I am not walking today. WHY! b/c there are people who can;t walk and wish they could and I CAN! SO I WILL~~~~~~