Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Playlist.....represents ME!

As you can "hear" when you open my page I have some songs playing for your listening pleasure. Everyone has different likes when it comes to music. I love the songs I put on and each song represents a piece of me. My husband was listening the other day and could not figure out why one of the songs were there.I was like think! With a great big hug he said I am so sorry I can't pin point why you have it,or how it relates. OK my love, 18 years together and you don't get that song or what it might remotely mean? Now, I know inquiring minds want to know what song....I will keep that between us. lol
Not all the words apply but for the most part I would think he would "get it". I have him pondering and will not give him the answer to see if he could guess eventually.He listened 3 times and still feels it is off, in his mind, I guess gals are different from I will let you know if he does get it with no help from me. He is close. Two of the songs also relate to my quest of a healthier life. I am down 25 as of last night at the program and continue to not want junk or food that I craved before this. It is not only a body/food thing it is a mind thing and this wellness program touches all aspects. I love the deep meditations and yogaesk aspects b/c I feel that makes all the difference to me. Enjoy the tunes...


Dawn said...

Stephanie, I love your songs and I admit to more than one time leaving your page open just to listen to the music...

Stephie Says..... said...

Thanks Dawn...I keep it open too when I am on ovah and

Kristin said...

I even put Miracle by Celine on my playlist when I heard it on yours. That song is so meaningful to me cause I use to sit in the glider in Maxwell's room and rock him to sleep with that song playing everynight. Songs do = memories. Let us know if "Know Fear" finally remembers the song...LOL!