Sunday, July 06, 2008

Another year ......

It is that day again in July when the "big one" Stephen goes to his week of Christian Hockey Camp International in Wenham MA.Close to home but so far from us..... He has been going since 4th grade. It does not get any easier for me as the years go by. I KNOW I KNOW.....get over it he is growing ect ect....but NO! Does not get any easier. I must say the first year I was on the 800 phone line everyday to get the recorded updates. Since then I do not do that more than 2x's for the week. He loves going there and gets so much out of it psychically and spiritually. We usually all drop him off but today Ryan is having a few friends over for his birthday and we are taking them to Monster Mini Golf and pizza. I so could tell how much Ry will miss his brother/friend. They really are good friends and that makes me happy.
At certain emotional times I can resort to "fixing" my emotion at that moment with food for comfort, I'm sure we have all been there from time to time. This afternoon I am making a conscious effort not to run to food. I took a healthy approach and took a long bath instead and choose to eat a few grapes and almonds in place of the yummy fattening 3 layer chocolate homemade butter cream cake I made for the boys. I will surly be sending pieces home to the dads of the boys. It is an on going battle. Unlike an alcoholic who does not need a drink to function a food addict, lets put it: needs food to sustain life, so it is hard that food needs to go into our bodies considering we can go astray and make the wrong choices. Do you follow? I know I write in circles sometimes. A person addicted to alcohol does not HAVE to be around it but food it is always there it is needed to live. I will stay on track despite the fact that I could so "fall off the wagon" right now with my emotions. Michael and I will be getting salad at the pizza place b/c I really do not want to eat something that I know could make me go over the edge. The big squeeze and hugs from Stephen helped too. He knows his mama loves and misses him so much. I know he misses us too. We look forward to Friday when we get to go to the closing ceremonies and see the scrimmage game. Miss you my baby......xoxoxoxo Mama loves you so much....


Stephie Says..... said...

That is last years picture of the entire camp. There are many wonderful people who come from all over the country to give of their time freely to give the kids a week to remember year after year. Next year S will be old enough to be a counslr. for the younger kids. This year he is a counslr. in training.

Kristin said...

Hold on tight, I so understand the emotional eating and u r so right on about how food is always around us, where as alcohol can be limited. You are being so strong and you can do it! I hope it will be a fun week for your son at camp & soon you will be giving him big hugs again when you go pick him up!
love ya!