Thursday, May 08, 2008

Open the windows.....

I just had to open the windows ALL OF THEM.....and the slider....Love it like this. Waiting to pick Stephen up from golf team, I am watching Ry play out back with his Lax stick after helping me on the net. Dinner cooking on the counter! The counter u the counter deep cooker. Too nice to put on the oven. I may even go on the deck or get S early to sit outside and get some Vit. D. lol I have a 30 point deficency. I am taking suplmnts. for it. The Doc said stop using sunscreen...What doctor says that? I laughed at her and said that sounds wrong. She grabbed my arm and said look at the color of your skin. You are dark and do not really need SPF 50. Oh ok.....I told her for my face yes b/c I do not want sun damage. She said leave some skin exposed to absord to natural Vit D. So off to get a dose of it....Have a good night and get ur dose of D.......


Dawn said...

That's crazy - I never heard a doctor recommending a person not use sunscreen! I always thought everyone was susceptible to skin cancer regardless of color!! My father and his father both have had it so I need to be extra careful plus I burn very easily anyway! I hope your deficiency will be remedied quickly with your supplements and a little sunshine.

Stephie Says..... said...

I know. Yesterday I had it on my face but not my arms so I could absorb the sun. I had to spend for the co-pay for 12 pills $17. a week. Hey if u need it u need it. She said I will absord more calcuim by taking it.