Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I get panic attacks when they are near....

Ever since I was little I have had a bee/hornet/wasp fear. Maybe anything flying for that matter. Even when we took the kids to the indoor butterfly santuary I was on the verg of panic attack when they came close to me. Just this morning at the park with my walk with Jane I was going bonkers when they came near us. At one point walking by the play structure Jane was like "you are scaring the lil boy" ...lol He was a small 3 year old boy and he was running around then stopped dead in his tracks to stare at the lady who is flaging her arms and screaming ah ah ah....lol yes that is what I do and can not control that reaction. I can feel the chest getting tight and a panic type feeling. I have a HUGH FEAR when they are near. I can't even sit out on the deck without being on edge that they are lurging. THEY ARE OUT OT GET ME! ........JK about that but I really have alway has this problem from atlest 6 years old that I can remember. Every year we get the "BEE GUY" to come and spray them away. The woods that are all around out house have many nests/hives. Michael and his dad even discovered one under the deck eve. Well that is why when the slider is closed I hear little tink sounds....It is then flying into the glass. Sunday I went out the slider and one got in the house. I had a pan and was slaming it on the screen. Yeah that sucker would not die. I was being yelled at by FIL that I am gonna break the door. Well too bad I don't want them in my house. I hate them so much ....They really need to leave me alone.....


Norma said...

You're afraid of BUTTERFLIES???

Stephie Says..... said...

There were so many in that confined indoor place and some looked like very large moths...I hate things that fly...

Drew said...

haha...I can see being freaked out by them. But I'm not really afraid of bees. But I do get creeped out when shows like "That's Incredible" back in the 70's would show a guy wearing bees as a beard!

Stephie Says..... said...

I cringe when I see those things. Also down the street was an old man who sold fresh honey and at night when u drove by you could see in his HOUSE near the windo his bees under blue lights...it was freaky....he would sit for hours on his front lawn with a table and jars of honey for sale. He no longer lives there he has since gone into nursing care. His kids just let the house go and it looks like an abandon place...I wonder what he did with all the bees. I bet that is why we have so many...LOL LOL LOL Also this afternoon before I left for work I hear something and what do u know another crapping hornet in the house....I sprayed Lysol to maybe kill it then brave S got a towel and swapped it over and over...I was screaming and the boys were saying stop ....lol lol