Friday, May 16, 2008

~it's back~

Can we ever have a spring without poison ivy? EVER! Once again Stephen has it all over his legs. I am so glad it is not on his face like other springs and ozzing his handsome cheeks everywhere. I hope it is only on the legs this time. He still has scared from last year there. His face looks great and the maderma did a great job on his neck last year. After it clears it leaves the skin discolored since his skin so so dark. On Mothers Day all the cousins were playing uncles yard where he caught it last time too. None of the others got it but we know in springs past S is so allergic to it the wind blows and he gets it. Funny since the dog may also have it on the fur and rub against his legs. We got our true blue friend the oat bath and some clear not pink calamine. I hope the oils are not on the clothes b/c even after a washing they still are present so I hear.


Drew said...

Once I had poison ivy so bad I got huge blisters on my arms!

Stephie Says..... said...

yes last Oct he got blisters on his feet and skated and we were like ouch! then b/c he iritated the blisters he got an infection..OH THIS kid....we love cleared really fast this time and we hope he does not get any more this season.