Sunday, February 03, 2008


Yeah so Giants are SuperBowl Champs...NOT THE PATS......How the heck can you win 18 games and the one game you loose is the BIGGEST one ? Crap......Ryan is mega dissapointed and I must say even though I slept through alot of it...I am too just b/c it is the home team. I am sure NE will be a somber place tom. Oh well at least on Tuesday Boston does not have to go though hell with the voting ect b/c of the parade. UGH.....well kudos to the Giants...Another Manning won the superbowl. I just wish it were Bills boys....ugh....we will not be getting in the babw shirts for the bears this week.....


Dawn said...

What a bummer! Hopefully everyone will get out there and vote though! If they won, I would have been able to dress casual for work tonight...

Drew said...

Oh well. I'm happy for Eli and the Giants. No one game them a chance and this goes to show that you never really know...